Chapter nine: Nicky and Casey

Start from the beginning

Sure enough, down the hall of empty room, then very last on had the following,

"Do not enter. Nicky's room only" I chuckled and walked up to the door and knocked on it slightly.

"Yo Nicky?? Ya up? Big bro wants to talk...." I said, opening the door as slowly as I could.

Just my luck she was asleep.

I walked over to her as quietly as I could.

I froze as soon as I knocked her guitar over. Thankfully, Nicky has always been a deep sleeper and just rolled over. I let out a sigh of relief and made my way to her bedside.

"Nicky? Nicky!? Nicky, I got to talk about something." I said shaking her. She rolled over and pulled her pillow over her head.

"Go away Casey." I sighed.

"Look, it's about the guys." At this she sat up and frowned.

"You mean the freaks?! What about them?" This time it was my turn to frown.

"Okay one, they're not freaks alright?! And two, they can help you!" She snorted.

"Like I'm gonna trust a mutant turtle with my fate."

"Well ya should!!"

"Casey, I barley trust you and your my brother." I glared at her. I don't know which was easier, getting through to Raph or getting through to her. Then again, me and Raph always get along.

"Look, I know you have trust issues ever since dad went missing....." She snapped at that.

"Dad didn't go missing Casey he left us!!" By now Nicky was in tears.

"No he didn't!!" I yelled.

"Yes he did Casey!!" I shook my head. Dad didn't leave us. He didn't. He wouldn't.

"Open up your eyes Casey. He left us. He didn't care about us." I turned to glared at Nicky.



"YES HE DID YOU LITTLE LIAR!!!" Her glare hardened, as her eyes and hair changed. Her hair turn red, like Raphs bandana, and her eyes turned neon green, just like Raphs, which was really creepy.

"Get out." She said, her voice deadly cold.


"I said, GET OUT CASEY!!" She screamed. I ran out of the room, just in time to hear my sister punch the wall.

"Sisters." I muttered before walking downstairs. My T-phone (as Brainiac calls it) went off just as I was about half way.

"So, ya get Nicky to come with ya?" Raph's voice filled the phone.

"No luck dude. We got into this fight and then her eyes turned neon green like yours and her hair turned red as well."

I heard some muttering on Raph's side of the phone before Donnie-boys started talking.

"Okay Casey, tell me what happened." I sighed.

"Okay, me and Nicky."

"Nicky and I."

"Whatever. Nicky and I started fighting and then she got like, real mad and her hair turned red and her eyes turned green like Raph's!" There was more muttering on the other side, and all I could make out was Mikey saying,

"Dudes, they are so much like Raph and Leo." I rolled my eyes.

Someone downstairs let out a cry of pain. I frowned and pulled out my hokey stick (which I bring everywhere)

"I'll call you back." I said, hanging up before anyone could protest.

I crept down the stairs and saw purple dragons and foot ninja touching my sisters stuff. So, what do I do? Hit them of course.

"NOBODY TOUCHES MY SISTERS STUFF AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!" I yelled, slamming my hockey stick into the back of a PDs head. He passed out on the floor.

I should have guessed that Karai would have been there.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Casey Jones." I smirked and turned around.

"Good to know I'm heard of." I said. She raised an eyebrow and started walking around the room.

"So, I heard you have a sister. Does she live here?" I glared at her.

"Don't you touch Nicky!" She laughed.

"A little too late for that don't ya think?" I snarled.

"Casey? What's going on down there?" My eyes widened at Nicky's voice. Karai smirked.

"NICKY! Don't come downstairs!!" I warned.

"Casey, what are you keeping from me?!" Nicky asked, walked down the stairs. Karai's smirked got wider.

"DONT COME COME DOWNMFFMF!!!" A foot member came up behind me a gaged me. Karai walked over to the end of the stairs just as Nicky appeared.

"Who the heck are you?!" Karai raised an eyebrow.

"You don't remember me? I'm shocked." Nicky's eyes widen at realization.

"Karai." She smirked once again and waved her hand.

"Your right. Now, if you don't mind, the Shredder would like to speak with you. Night night." A dart hit Nicky in the side of neck and she passed out. I started to struggle and glared at Karai.

"Oh don't worry. The Shredder will take good care of her." She said, before hitting me on the side of the head with the but of her weapon.

I passed out hoping my sister would be safe.

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