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You are in the kitchen baking a chocolate cake. Ponyboy and Sodapop walk tierdly out of their bedroom and  into the kitchen. "Good Morning guys." You say in a bit of a annoyed tone. Ponyboy walks over to you and whispers "Good Morning Beautiful." He puts his arms around your waist and lightly sways you back and forth. He presses his lips on your shoulder and with a quick release he is off  of you and grabs himself a glass of chocolate milk. Just as Sodapop goes to kiss you on the cheek, Darry walks in with a towel around his waist. Falling off. "Have a good shower?"
"Yes. Thanks for asking." He says as he dips his finger into the frosting. "Hey!" You say in utter disgust. "What's wrong sugar cake?" Darry says with a laugh. "You just ruined my cake!" You said in a high pitched voice. Just as he goes to hug you from behind, Darrys towel drops and you gasp. You stiffle a laugh. "Haha looks like it was perfect timing." Soda says as he laughs histerically. Darry puts his head in your shoulder.

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