Chapter 6

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I think Red Tornado and the team have a different definition of covert. Just as I was about to suggest some sort of camouflage that we should probably use to not get caught, Superboy says:

"I think I know what caused it."

I glanced to my left to see a huge frickin' tornado speeding our way. I only had time to think, Oh, wonderful before we got thrown around inside of the freak tornado. I grunted in pain as M'gann pulled us out of the tornado. She moved a safe distance away and hovered over the ground. We all dropped out of the ship and surveyed the scene in front us.

"Uh, Robin? Are tornadoes common in New England?" I squeaked. I glanced behind me. He was gone. "Robin?"

A cackle sounded from around us. That little--

"H-he was just here!" Megan sounded confused. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm beginning to think that he's gonna do this a lot," I sighed and took off towards the facility. As we entered, Rob was thrown to the ground by someone. "Who's your new friend?!"

The boy looked at me as I landed next to him. "Didn't catch his name, but he plays kinda rough."

"My apologies," said Robin's 'new friend.' "You may address me as Mister Twister."

The android-human thing suddenly raised it's arms and two tornadoes came flying at us. Superboy barreled head first into the tornadoes--

Wow. I think I'm gonna have a heart attack from not surprised.

But, got thrown into a wall. Wally, Kaldur, and Megan all charged while I helped Dick to his feet. I glanced up to see Wally thrown outside, and Megan and Kaldur thrown into a pillar.

"This is why you don't just barrel in head first," I muttered. I glared at Mr. Twister. That is literally the WORST villain name. EVER.

"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero," Twister mocked. "I was not, however, expecting children."

I flew in the air and made a machine gun with my ring. "We're not children!"

Mr. Twister blew back down to the ground. "Objectively, you are. Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing."

I formed a giant hammer, screamed, "I find your lack of faith disturbing!" and swung at Twister. He stopped the hammer with his hand before it made contact with his head. Twisting the hammer made of pure light, Mr. Twister flung me into wall. I gasped for air before smirking and flying out of the wall to the team.

"Let's see if your more turbed once we've kicked your can!" Robin said. Our new martian friend immediately used her martian telepathy to break a gas container that was above Mr. Twister's head. Using that as a distraction, Superboy leaped off the ground and tried to smash Twister's head in, but go blown into Ms. Martian. They crashed to the ground in front of me. I watched as Aqualad and Robin charged, only to get blown off their feet and thrown into each other.

By this time, I had formed a semi-plan. Granted, it was very good, but I had to get him away from my friends.

Hey, y'all might want to close your eyes.

"Hey, Twister! You said you were waiting for a superhero? Well, you're looking at the White Lantern!"

With that, I used Red to shine a bright light that would have blinded anyone with their eyes open. I flew out of the building. "Come and get me!"

I heard Mr. Twister stomping towards my voice. Okay. We got his attention. What the hell is step 2?

No Idea.

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