Chapter 3

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The voices on the tv began to get louder as I got closer. I made my feet light truing not to make noise as I walked. Soon enough I reached the first floor. Even brighter then my bedroom with all of the windows letting in the heat and sunlight.

With a turn of my head I saw the couch my father was laying on. His arm hung lazily over the head of the couch, holding a half empty beer bottle. Two bottles lay on the floor, empty.

My fathers head shot up as he looked at me with tired eyes, They were slightly red, bloodshot with heavy bags underneath them. He took another swig of beer before laying back down, turning his attention back to the television.

My body was tense but I relaxed once he reclined. I focused my attention back to the kitchen and started waling again. i reached the kitchen and my brush was sitting on the counter, countless empty bottles and papers surrounding them.

My eyes studied the papers, tax bills. Yet to be paid, if my father doesn't pay them soon we might lose the house. With a sad sigh I reached out and grabbed the brush. I stroked through mu hair as I made my way to the bathroom. I reached the bathroom and flicked on the light switch with one hand. I brushed through my hair while looking in the mirror until my hair was straight with no visible knots.

Setting my brush down before I turned the lights off. I then left the bathroom. My boots were by the front door, clean from me washing them yesterday. My favorite boots of all time. They were simple, but mine. 

I sat down and slipped my boots on. They were roomy but only because I had small feet. Like really small. I'm a size five. And I'm seventeen. Don't try to tell me that's normal. Trust me it's everything but normal. I heard a quick ring, from my phone. I turned my head and saw my phone sitting on the counter. I pushed off my arms and hopped ip to my feet. I walked over to the counter and grabbed it before turning it on.

I had four new messages. I know thst doesn't sound like much but I usually have like one or two. And at least one of them if not both are from Julia. My eyes widened and my breathe hitched when I saw who the texts were from. One from Julia, normal. Three from Austin. Austin Lockwood is texting me! How did he even get my number! I don't recall giving it to him.

I stared in shock at the screen unable to move, if I stood there I might miss the bus. With shaky hands I clicked on the message to see what it wrote.

Austin- Princess? You  there?

Of, course he didn't use my real name.

Austin- Princess, we need to talk.

What does this guy want, he barley knows me. Like what the heck.

Austin - Ember! Please listen.

The last text made my heart race. He knows my name but why in the world is he so freaking desperate to talk to me?
With a deep breathe I moved my shoulders and loosened my arms, getting ready for whatever this boy was going to bring me.

Ember- Wow, you know my name , and my number. How? And what do you want Lockwood?

I typed and sighed in relief once it was gone. I turned off my phone before putting it in my pocket. Seconds later I felt a buzz and with a groan pulled out my phone once more. Austin sent me yet another ext.

Austin- Aww princess, good to see you're alive. And of course I know your name. I asked Julia for your number. She was acting really weird when I asked for it. She started giggling with the huge grin on her face. It was creepy.

Nice way to play it cool Julia. Oh go I wonder if she said anything to him. CRAP.

Ember- ...... Wonder why. But that still doesn't answer my question. What. Do. You. Want?

Austin- The pleasure of talking to you.

Ember- Really Lockwood, what do you want

Austin- I'm serious. We need to talk. sit next t me on the bus, I'll me waiting.

Ember- What is this even about. And I'm perfectly fine sitting my myself, thank you.

Austin- This is serious! I'm not joking. Sit by me on the bus. Okay, princess?

With a sigh I turned off my phone once more hoping this would be the last time until I get on the bus. I stuffed my phone in my pocket then turned around to look at my father. Hr finished his beer bottle and was starting another. I forgot to mention, if you couldn't tell already my father has a huge drinking problem. Which is  probably what triggers the abuse sometimes. 

I shifted around and closed my eyes before quickly reopening them. I opened the front door and stepped outside. I immediately heard the sound of natures music coming to my ears.

Birds chirping one after one as if talking to one another. It would be cool to understand what they were saying. The sound of branches and leaves rustling in the wing. I looked around but my eyes stopped at a familiar figure.

Across the street Austin was staring directly at me. Like I was the only thing outside. I looked at him bluntly. Confused and unaware. He smirked making my face heat up with a blush. I quickly turned around, my hair swinging over my shoulder.

With a deep breathe I began walking, trying my best to act like Austin wasn't there, staring at me. The whole time. I took a glance over at Austin seeing me looking at him he flashed a smile and I turned back around.

Standing still and uncomftorble I began to hear footsteps. Getting louder after every beat of them hitting the ground.

princess (Barbra palvin and Benjamin bowers)Where stories live. Discover now