87) So put your hands down my pants and I bet you'll feel nuts

Start from the beginning

"Oh, fuck, you came with Octavia?" He goes into his pocket and pulls out his phone. "Shit, I knew your name sounded familiar. Clarke, right? You don't live with her, though. Fuck, she's going to murder me."

"I live with Raven," she says, frowning. "Why's she going to murder you?"

"She probably thinks you're dead." He pokes at the phone for a while, apparently calls someone, but whatever he's trying to do must not work, because he swears and then says, "O, if you get this, I've got Clarke, okay? I'm taking her home with me, she's fucking wasted and you're not here and I have no idea what your friend Raven even looks like. I'm texting you too. She's fine, I'll give her my bed and figure out where she lives when she's sober. Call me when you get this."

"You know Octavia?"

"Yes, I know Octavia." He sighs and rubs his face. "Drink the rest of that water, okay? I just need to tell my friends I'm leaving."

"I thought you weren't going to fuck me. Because of the whole, you know." She waves her hand. "Balls situation."

"That is really not why I wasn't going to fuck you." He puts his arm around her waist, helping to keep her upright and in moving in the direction he wants to go. "Work with me here, okay? We're just going to tell Miller we're going and then you have to make it to my car. You've got this."

She buries her face against his neck. He smells clean and sharp, a good boy smell, and she does like boys. "You're just so much more intimidating to sleep with than girls," she tells him, muffled against his neck, as he mostly drags her towards Miller. "I know what girls have. Breasts, awesome, I can do breasts. I love eating girls out. God. It's the best. But--guys, right? I want to try guys too. Muscles and chests and your soap smells really sexy. You're just--not girls."

"You might actually be the death of me. Tell me about non-binary people. I'm morbidly curious about your feelings."

"I've never dated a non-binary person? Or a guy. Really just girls. But I'd totally date a non-binary person. I feel like I know where to start a conversation with a non-binary person. How do you even talk to a guy about this stuff?"

"Just spit-balling here, but apparently you get fucking wasted, collapse on them, and tell them how weird you find their genitals. You're really set on this one. You've got it covered. I have never met anyone who has less trouble talking about this than you. You're winning. Miller?"

"Clarke," she says.

He chokes on a laugh. "Clarke, this is Miller. Miller, my sister's extremely drunk friend needs to not be here anymore, so I'm heading out. If you see O, tell her I've got Clarke and she's fine? Do you know someone named Raven?"

Some Asian kid says, "I know Raven," at the same time Clarke says, "Your sister?"

"My sister," not-Blamey confirms. "If you see Raven, can you tell her I've got her friend Clarke, Monty?"

"Yeah, will do. I'll text her."


"You're Octavia's hot brother?"

"I'm Octavia's only brother. I guess that makes me the hot one by default." He pauses. "Who calls me Octavia's hot brother?"

"She's got that--" She waves her hand vaguely and hits him in the face a little. "Sorry. That picture of you from high school graduation, I guess? You're wearing a gown that looks like it's made of a plastic tablecloth and you still look hot. But your hair is really different. It was all slicked back. And you don't have an ugly goatee anymore. I didn't recognize you."

"Also you're fucking wasted. Did you drink all that water yet?"

"I should probably have food. That absorbs alcohol."

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now