Hawkins Highschool 1985

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 (Maddie stepped out of the car, and took a deep breath) 

Highschool. (She said as she walked into her first day) 

(As she walked looked around, In the distance she saw a fight) (She ran towards it and found her  friend Dustin on the ground, bleeding) 

(she offered her hand to help Dustin up) (Maddie has CCD and moved to Hawkins earlier this summer, that's when she, Dustin, the boys, and Max met. They became close friends, and are now they're starting their first year of high school together. Maddie hasn't met Jane.)

Hey Dustin, What's up?

(he took her hand and stood up) 

Ah just the usual. (he said sarcastically) I'm just chilling on the ground, You know for fun.

 (she laughed) So what happened? 


To your eye. (she said pointing to Dustin's right eye, which had been badly hit and was bleeding) 

Oh. uh, Nothing. 

Really? (she looked a him unamused) Just tell me. 

 (He sighed) I overheard Troy telling his friends about how he'd kill  zombies in the apocalypse. (he said) 

What'd you say? (she said as she sat down next to him) 

I said that Troy wouldn't need to kill any Zombies. He asked why I said that They wouldn't try to eat his brains, seeing as he doesn't have any. 

(She laughed) You didn't

I did (Dustin said smirking with pride, as he looked down) 

Oh that is great! (she said laughing) 

Yeah It was all great and hilarious, Then Troy hit me.  And it wasn't. 

(She stood up exasperated) He hit you? Troy's the one who gave you this?! (she said pointing at Dustin's right eye again) 

I'm not surprised. I mean It's Troy Harrington, The Harrington's are kind of known for being assholes. (Dustin said glaring at Troy in the distance) Not Steve though. 

Right (Maddie said as she looked at Troy then to the ground) Right. So what're we going to do about it?

What? (Dustin said with a look of slight shock) Nothing. 

Nothing? Nothing?! (Maddie said agitated) You're right Troy's an asshole. But we're just going to let him get away with this?

Yes Nothing (Dustin said standing up) We can't stand up against Troy and his friends. We'd get in trouble.

So we'd get detention but he wouldn't. I can't get detention on my first day, I can't get detention at all! Fine I guess we won't do anything...for now (she said smirking) 

(Dustin laughed) Yeah that's the Harrington's for you. They don't face the consequences for what they do.  

(They were walking inside when Lucas, Will, and Max rode up on their bikes)

Hey Maddie (Lucas, Max, and Will waved to her as they put up their bikes and walked up to them) Is Mike here yet?

I don't know I haven't seen him. (Dustin said waving to them as they walked up)

Hey guys (Maddie responded) Mike's not here yet.

(Lucas stood next to Dustin) It's the first day. She has to be coming.  Right?

(they all looked at the road waiting) (less then a minute later we saw Mike riding in the distance) 

There! (Maddie said pointing to him) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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