♡ chapitre quatre ♡

625 30 13

IM SORRY IVE BEEN DEAD FOR 20389 YEARS. WHO MISSED MEEE (no one lmao) but i had no motivation to write anymore but it's almost summer and my birthday so guess who's motivated!!?


"i was wondering . . . if you would like to go the winter dance with me?"

"oh my god yes!" tyler says squealing and hugging josh. josh felt happy.

the winter dance was in five weeks. josh and tyler hold hands and walk to michaels house.

michael and luke were playing video games. mario cart, even if it was a old game, it's still pretty fun.

"ugh luke your so good at this." michael  says pouting. "i-im not that good." luke says giggling.

"yeah right." michael says pushing luke playfully and gently.

josh and tyler walk into the living room, leaving their shoes at the entrance. "you both suck ass." josh says.

"hey shut up, go make yourself noodles." michael says not taking his eyes off the screen, luke was actually really amazing and was kicking his butt.

"chicken or beef?" josh calls from the kitchen. the three boys all yell back, "chicken, obviously."

after eating bowls and bowls of ramen noodles and playing mario cart, josh drives luke and tyler home.

"bye my favourite two boys. well mostly tyler, luke you're. . . okay." josh jokes as the two boys step out of his car.

luke rolls his eyes. tyler kisses josh on the cheek. they then both race inside.

"gosh darn nuts, isn't josh a real catch!" tyler squeals as they enter their room. luke is too busy already writing in his journal.

the next day.

michael wakes up, dripping in hot sweat. another dream.

he groans and grabs his phone at his night stand. 5:12 am. seriously? i couldn't have had a shitty dream later so i did not have to go to school?

michael gets up and showers. and shaves his beard. he then sends his goodmorning streaks.

he makes himself pancakes and cereal, because his aunt got lucky charms so he had to add in cereal.


he is stressed the fuck out. he is confused. he grabs a joint and lights it, forgetting everything and everyone. 

he's never went to school high before, but everyone loves a surprise right?


i'm so sorry this is so short;((( i don't know what to write about until the winter formal but summer is boring and school starts september 4th.

does anyone even read these anymore? i don't know.
love y'all. -svea

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