Chapter Four

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Trigger Warnings: Mild swears and character death.

"Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them,"(Obi Wan Kanobi).


Location: Blackguard League

Today I was going to start training Veronica using the Mí huàn way. We sat Indian style across from each other with one candle lit in between us. She looked at me like I was crazy. She said, "what are we doing? I want to get started on fighting! We don't have a lot of time left!" I sighed then reached into her mind. When I entered her mind I saw she had a house with a white picket fence around the front yard. I tried to open the gate, but there was no opening for it.

Veronica felt me in her head and began to push me out of it. My own mind began to feel invaded after I was pushed out if hers. My own mind came into view. It was the old school back in China. There was a slight layer of fog rolling across the floor. I felt Veronica try to enter, but I stretched the elastic shield and stopped her from entering. We both blinked and we're brought back to reality. "What just happened?" She asked me. I chuckled,

"I was going to say true power comes from the mind, not they physical aspects of the body." She smirked,

"How very phycological of you Max." I smiled,

"I wish you could meet my teacher. He would always say, 'Méiyǒu hēi'àn de xīngxīng wúfǎ zhàoyào'. It means, 'stars can not shine without darkness."' I shrugged, "I don't know. He thought the darkness in everyone is what made them so happy. He was kind of right in a way, if humans didn't have darkness then they wouldn't be able to find the light. Here," I handed her a black cloth. "Tie this around your eyes." She did as I told her then said, "now fight me." She dropped her arms to her sides in disbelief.

"Come on Max, that's impossible! I'd never be able to fight you blindfolded!" I sighed then said,

"Fine. Give me the blindfold." She untied the cloth and gave it to me. I tied it around my eyes and focused on the little details. How her hair smelled of lavender sent. How fast she was breathing, how she shifted her feet into a fighting position. I moved so I faced her, mimicking her position I said, "now punch me." She swung a punch. Using the change in the air I was able to barely dodge it on time. I stood back up and realized she tried to round house kick me. I jumped back doing a backflip and landed on my feet. I could tell she was starting to get frustrated with herself by the change in her breathing.

"How are you doing this?" I smiled then took of the blindfold.

"Your sight can trick you, make you want to believe things that aren't really there." She nodded and sat down, grabbing a bottle of water she stole from a nearby drugstore yesterday.

"I get it. Mind over muscle." I nodded and sat next to her,

"Why don't you take a break? We've been at this for a good hour." She laid down on the floor then said,

"I'd thought you'd ​never ask." Then there was a small explosion just outside the base. I groaned then started to walk outside. Veronica followed me. The drugstore down the street had a bunch of people outside it. I tapped an older man's shoulder and asked him,

"What's going on?" The man turned around and said,

"There's some kind of hostage situation. The store is family owned, so I don't understand why this is happening." I nodded then spoke,

"Leave it to us." Then I felt the tug in my stomach and landed on my feet in the middle of the drugstore.

There were three people in the shop, one had a gun pointed at the youngest person, a twelve year old girl. The woman pointing the gun turned around when Veronica teleport-ed in and shot her. Veronica grimaced, but waved me off. The other person was a fifteen or so year old girl. She had long brown hair and startling purple eyes. I held up my hands in an 'I surrender' pose then asked, "who are you three?" The boy ran to the back of the store. The woman said,

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