My idea on "love"

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I mean, it's not like anyone will ever love ME, but that doesn't mean I can't come up with a vague prospect about how it should work.
1. It shouldn't be based on looks.
In my opinion, love should be about the personality of the one you like, not whether or not you'd be considered "cool" if you dated them. Why not just appreciate someone for who they are and not how they look?
2. Why is it always shown in the form of material possesions?
I have nothing against people who gift something to someone they admire. Good for them, being brave enough to do that. It's just, why can't love be based around feelings? Why is it always, "hey, you're cute lol take these flowers"? It seems to me it would be far more efficient simply to express your feelings for someone rather than awkwardly offer up a box of chocolates.

Anyway, this is just a random thought or two on love, I guess. There wasn't really much point in me writing this, I just felt like writing it somewhere. XD

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