The box

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Lilac POV ^*^

I decided to make our favorite blueberry waffles. Jackson wasn't coming over today. It was going to just be Hope and I. I miss those days when it was the three of us. One big trio.
Jackson finally got taller and hotter out of nowhere. The stupid obnoxious jocks finally accepted him as one of them. He got invited to their lunch table one day. Then boom! He was apart of the football team. Considered one of them.
Now everytime Hope or I mention to go out anywhere, or just to even hang out at one of our houses, Jackson always made excuses. We always found out, he was with the guys. Someone would tweet about it or there would be some event showing videos on the school Facebook page.
I still wonder if Jackson even cares about us at all anymore. I know for a fact, no matter how much Hope says she doesn't care, I know she does. Everytime Hope would drink rootbeer, watch scandal, or even watch the packers game, she would mention thats Jackson's favorite.
Sometimes, I think if they ever were a thing. Then I shake it out of my memory and think how silly I'm being. Maybe it's what I'd hoped for. Maybe I just thought I knew what was best for everyone. That was kind of my problem.

I still remember the very first day I met Hope. I was at the Bookers famous book store that her parents own. Checking out my favorite book Memories Of Emily by Stacy Wilden. Hope was never usually at the store. Only her parents. I would see her at school sometimes, the kids would tease her, guys would say she's a hoe, girls would call her a bitch, but me I just stayed quiet. Then that day I was reading the first page of the book, she stopped in front of me, and I kid you not, these were her exact words, "Hey that's my favorite book, I hid it in that very spot. I wanted to read it again. But if you want take it. I'll even let you keep the bookmark on page 32." The smile on her face was so sweet and warm. How could I say no?
"Wwell..-" I started off, but as I flipped the book to page 32, it was a pink bookmark with blue butterflies on it. As soon as I looked up the door to the store was closing, and Hope was gone. I went home and told my mom about it, she helped me make this butterfly shaped cup so I could give to Hope. From then on I was her only friend. Her best friend. Butterflies were now the meaning of our friendship. It meant we were trapped in a small world but felt free when together.
Jackson came along later. A year after our freshman year ended, during the summer we all went to math camp. Since we all failed the end of the year test, we couldn't get to 10th grade without making it up at summer camp. Hope, Jackson, and I ended up in the same group. A butterfly happened to fly on our tent while sleeping, and Hope insisted to catch it. It only took a few hours, but Jackson finally caught it and put it in a jar. The butterfly stayed with us throughout camp, as we managed to keep it hidden. It was like our lucky charm, because we all passed the test. That's how we became closer. Jackson found out our butterfly secret, so then we all had to make a pact. The three of us. The trio.
Now it's our junior year, and somehow half of this semester, Hope and I survived together.

"What's that smell? Hope? Lilac? What's going on in there?" I heard Mrs. Booker shout from her room as her footsteps approached.

"Oh shit!" I blurted. The pan was smoking and the detector was going off. What once were blueberry waffles were burnt.

"Sweetie, those go in the toaster. Please go wake up Hope. It's not like her to sleep in. Luckily it's Saturday. I'll take you both to IHOP. Now go!" Mrs. Bookers shooed me away, as she began cleaning up my mess. I ran past a very cranky Mr. Bookers as he swayed a newspaper at the smoke alarm.


I jumped out of my sleep and suddenly I was in my bed. Oh shit. Another dream I've had this week, about my best friend Hope who decided to commit suicide less than a month ago.

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