End game part 2

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A/N : so after my school got overrun with the undead I found a small a small band of survivors in a classroom so I'm continuing from their. and the survivors were: Andrew with matching grey jogging outfit, Sara with ripped and scratch shorts  and a blood stained top with tares, and Lisa with a Columbia jacket and red and black polo glasses    

Brandon: so do any of you have any food

Lisa: well all we have are these peanut granola bars

Brandon(thoughts): oh CRAP I'm ALLREGIC to peanut butter

Lisa: so do you want some

Brandon(thoughts): man I haven' ate peanut butter since I was in 4th grade I hope I can over come this

Brandon: sure killing zombies gets me hungry

  -Lisa hands Brandon a granola bar/ Brandon takes a bite fire starts to swirl around me everyone gets up in panic then it all goes away and the room goes dark Brandon lights a makeshift lantern saying-

Brandon: that was delicious

Andrew: are you ok

Brandon: yeah dude but I feel strange like not like zombie type of strange but a uneasy feeling

Sara: ok that was weird

Andrew: you could say that again

Brandon: guys be quiet I hear a hoard passing by

-they keep talking-

Brandon: guys shut up

-they keep talking-

Brandon: GUYS SHUT THE F@#% UP

-silents fails then KNOCK , KNOCK POUND BANG crack, goes the door-

Sara: awwwww did we attract one of those hoards

Brandon: yes we did

-then as zombies pile up to the door my watch says-

watch: door integrity at 50% and declining rapidly

Lisa: what does that mean

Brandon: it means we need to find a way outta here

watch: door integrity at 25%

Brandon: quick is there a like a back alley or a back door

Sara: well there is this back door but we barricaded it


watch: door integrity at 15% and dropping sir

Brandon(thoughts): I can see the cracks in the door and the small glass frame in the door is shattered holy S#$^ is that a brute


watch: warning sir there's a mutation near watch your self also door integrity at 5%

-the zombie boss who is ripped to no end must be the jock who is the zombie boss and he takes a swing at the door making the door almost breaking it in one hit

watch: door in-

Brandon: can it watch

-with one finally swing the door breaks with that Lisa, Andrew , and Sara get finished with unbarricading the door 

Andrew: LETS GO

-then as we run though the door and Brandon slamming it behind him and as the zombies flood through the classroom and the zombie boss breaking down the door and half of the wall-

-we ran shoving and killing any zombies that was in our way-  

    A/N: hey guys I'm back at it sorry for the long wait but its here be looking for the updates

The Beginning Of The End: A Black Ops 2 StoryWhere stories live. Discover now