'Someone I know, she doesn't live far from my place.' Answered Severus. His heart sank. Being friends with Lily will wash away his good reputation with his fellow Slytherins.

'Look, Severus, I'm telling you this for your own good. Slytherins and Gryffindors don't mix. I understand, you used to be friends before you got sorted, you didn't know she'll turn out as one of those suckers, but now you've got to move on, Slytherin's your house now.'

Severus nodded. Rosier looked satisfied as they headed to Charms together.

Professor Flitwick was there Charms teacher. He was very small, and didn't even reach Severus' waist. After that, they had Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall taught the subject, and she was also Gryffindor's Head of House. The lesson started by Professor McGonagall transfiguring the desk into a sheep. Severus couldn't wait to get started, but, to his disapointment, he was handed a handful of matches and was asked to turn them into needles.

Rudolph sat next to him in every class, and was a real disaster zone. Instead of transfigurating the matchstick, it caught fire and almost burnt the whole classroom. Severus stiffled his laugh as McGonagall shook her head at him.

Just before lunch, they were to attend a flying lesson by Madam Hooch with the Gryffindors, to many of the Slytherins disgust. Severus was half happy, because that would mean he'll be able to see Lily again, but also worried, as he remembered what  Evan Rosier told him not so long ago.

'Slytherins and Gryffindors don't mix. Slytherin is your house now.'

Severus went to the Quidditch Pitch, with Rudolph and, surprisingly, Bellatrix.

'Going to see your girlfriend again?' She laughed. Severus almost fell over his own feet.

'She's not my girlfriend.' Said Severus, going red.

Bellatrix laughed again. 'Never thought you'd like filthy little mudbloods like her.'

So she knows. Hating himself, Severus replied 'I don't like her.'

Bellatrix smiled unpleasantly. 'You'd better not, Snape.' And Rudolph nodded.

They met the Gryffindors in the middle of the pitch. As they waited for Madam Hooch, both houses ignoring each other pointedly, Severus tried to remember what he knew about Quidditch.

It's a sport, like football in the muggle world. But with broomsticks and different kind of balls. It seemed a bit ridiculous to Severus, but still, it would be great to be good at something.

Severus glanced at James Potter who was with, of course, Sirius Black. The two of them were joined with shabby Remus Lupin, and small Peter Pettigrew.

From here, Severus could here James boasting about the times he played quidditch with his father.

'I catch everything he throws at me. Not to brag but-' He smiled, obviously bragging, 'He reckons I'll be a pretty great seeker.'

Sirius punched James playfully in the shoulder, Remus smiled and Peter looked up at James adoringly.

Before he could stop himself, Severus snorted. What a show off.

Unfortunately, James heard him. 'What do you think you're laughing at, Snivellus?' He said, loudly enough so that everyone heard him. The Slytherins and Gryffindors turned their attention to Severus and James.

Severus shrugged. 'I just love listening to your boasting.'

James scowled. 'At least I have something to, as you say, 'boast' about. You can't even wash your hair properly.'

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