Chapter 2

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"Okay, any way you can explain what we're doing here?" Dean asked as Sam took a look around.

The tree leaves... They were blocks. Little blocks. He looked behind 'the Doctor' and saw another blocky building; a dirt structure which held a blonde girl, a curly-haired dude and a really small guy.

"I can't tell you." The Doctor shook his head and tried to keep his liveliness. "But if you want, you can hang out with us." He offered.

Dean looked at Sam. "We'll talk in a sec." He said to the Doctor, before dragging Sam to a place where they were alone. "What if they're demons?" He asked Sam.

"I don't think they are." Sam challenged, crossing his arms.

"Dude, that Doctor guy is too happy. He can't be human." Dean shook his head.

"If they are demons, we trap 'em, but if they aren't, then we've got allies. I say we do it." Sam explained. Dean gave him a stone cold look. "What?" Sam asked.

"Nothing, nothing. I agree. Let's go." Dean shrugged.

They approached the dirt house, and the curly-haired man looked at them. He didn't ask who Sam and Dean were. He didn't need to. He did it with a look, which the Doctor noticed.

"So, who are you two?" The Doctor asked, leaning in the corner of the room. Sam gave a puzzled look to the structure, which didn't even wobble at the Doctor's movement.

"Erm..." Dean looked at Sam. Sam nodded. "I'm Dean, this is Sam." 

"Okay, nice to meet you two." The blonde girl said with a smile. "I'm Rose, this is the Doctor, Sherlock, and John. That sounds weird." She giggled.

"Sherlock?" Sam asked. "Wow, someone like literature." He scoffed.

Sherlock cast an angry glance at Sam, but made it subtle. "Parallel universe." He muttered.

"What?" Dean slowly approached Sherlock. 

"Parallel universe." Sherlock said louder, and with more attitude. "I exist, the books don't."

"How does he know about the books?" Sam asked the Doctor.

"Well, I explained it to him!" The Doctor sounded happy to rejoin the conversation. "Of course, he thought I was completely barmy but when I reasoned the fact that he'd just fallen down a portal to a different universe, he seemed okay with it. Did you see my TARDIS?" He changed topic suddenly.

"Your what?" Dean was getting furious with all these crazy, annoying people.

"My TARDIS! Big blue box, said 'POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX' on it at the top, couldn't be broken or opened?" The Doctor asked with curiousity and giddiness.

"Wait... That thing? What the hell do you need with that weird box?" Dean asked. Sam walked over to the wall and sat next to the man who was introduced as John.

"I'll tell you in a bit, but night is coming and last night wasn't very good." Rose said with firm authority, before opening a nearby chest and taking out a wooden sword.  "Doctor, I made this!" She said to him, before chucking it.

"Careful!" He complained, before catching it by the handle and giving it a disgusted glance. "Anyone like fighting? I mean, I can fight but I don't really want to." He shrugged.

"Come here." Dean walked over and took it from him. "The hell are we up against anyways?" 

"You wouldn't believe us." Rose smiled.

"Try me." Dean challenged.

"Zombies, and skeletons." She attempted to not be too serious but it everyone could easily hear the scared tone in her voice.

"Skeletons?" Dean chuckled.

"Don't laugh." Sherlock suddenly intruded. "John was shot."

"Shot? ...By a skeleton?" Sam asked.

"They're skeleton archers." John told the man next to him. 

"Wow. And I'm supposed to believe this crap?" Dean looked at the grave faces around him.

"Yes you are." Rose was quite serious. "But Sam, and Dean, listen: You can't die. You will be killed and put through pain and suffering and taken apart and put back together and then you are just placed right where the portal dropped you."

"Yeah, we know what death is." Dean smirked at Sam, who didn't return it. He let his face drop and turned back to Rose. 

"It's night time." Sherlock was looking out the window, which was made of really chunky glass. "...Dan, are you ready?"

"It's Dean."

"Whatever. If anything comes in, hit it at an average of six times whilst we get to the emergency room, then follow us in." Sherlock sounded complex. "If all else fails, just use this dirt to build a makeshift shelter." He passed Dean a small chunk of blocky dirt.

"What the hell...?" Dean looked at the dirt. 

"Place it." The Doctor's smile slowly crept up again.

Dean chucked the dirt on the floor, and it became about three times larger and acted like a hurdle. Sherlock and the Doctor still seemed quizzed by this material, but John and Rose just found it funny to watch their friends in awe over it. Dean and Sam looked at each other. 

"Christo." Sam said, and everyone looked at him. Dean checked everyone's faces, and shook his head at Sam afterwards. "Just checking." He muttered.

A large smash filled the room with gasps, and a zombie started clawing at Sherlock from the window. 

"No no no no no!" The Doctor yelled, grabbing his tall friend and ushering everyone into a corner of the room. Suddenly, they were all gone. Only Dean was left.

"Are you friggin' serious?" He mumbled to himself, before stabbing the crawling zombie in the head with his wooden sword. "Hmm." He smirked. "That's actually kinda effective." More smashes filled the room, and Dean found himself in the middle of a war. Zombies were crawling in from open windows, banging drilled into his head as the door was beaten off it's hinges, and skeletons shot arrows anywhere they could. "This is so, so stupid!" He shouted to the monsters coming from everywhere. Something grabbed the back of his collar. He fell unconscious.


"You can't go out yet." John ordered his new, very tall, friend.

"But that's my brother." Sam argued.

"It hasn't been twenty minutes!" Rose interviened. "After twenty minutes, daytime comes and the mobs all die. They burn and you're left with the stench of rotten, burning flesh and bony charcoal."

"It has surely been twenty minutes." Sam walked closer to Rose. "Please let me go out there."

Rose was about to argue again, when the hatch to the dirt shack opened. Everyone looked at the one who'd opened it.

"Thank you." Sam said to Sherlock. He climbed back up.

"Sherlock, what did you do?" John criticized.

"If he wants to go out there and get himself killed, he can be my guest." Sherlock replied with little care in his voice.

"Guys!" Sam's muffled voice shouted from the ground level. Rose, the Doctor and John came out, with Sherlock complaining behind them. "Look."

Dean's sword was the only thing left next to burning bodies and smashed glass. Sam sunk on to his knees. 

"Wait... If he was dead, he would've respawned and come back." John said with fear. "So..."

The Doctor finished it. "He's missing."

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