Chapter 1

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" Cassidy, did you finish your homework?" Amelia ask.

" Yeah, I actually did a long time ago, why?" I furrow my eyebrows.

" Um- it's just- uh," Amelia babbles.

Amelia always babbles nonstop when she's nervous or worried about something.

" Is everything okay?" I ask a bit worried.

Amelia nods her head. " Your mother wants to speak with you in her office,"

My eyes widen. " What did I do?" I bite my lip nervously. A bad habit I had whenever I'm nervous.

" I'm not sure, but she didn't seem too pleased when she told me,"

" Thanks for letting me know, I better go now before I get in more trouble,"

I walk over to my mom's office, where she was on the phone with her co worker. I didn't want to intrude so I choose to wait outside the door.

" Yes, tonight is perfect," my mom said. " Oh um, no that's perfectly fine, I have a daughter myself," my mom starts laughing.

What is that suppose to mean? Why is my mother laughing at the fact that she has a daughter herself.

" That'll work, I'll see you tonight, bye now," she turns around noticing me. " Cassidy, how long have you've been standing there?"

" Not long, so who's coming over tonight?" I stare at my mom.

" Stop leaning on the wall, that's bad posture," my mom points out.

I quickly got off, not even realizing my actions. " Can you explain what's happening now?"

" Well one of my co workers are coming over to our house tonight,"

" Okay," I nodded, sighing in relief.

" And-"

" Oh no! " I bite my lip. This can't be good.

" She's bringing her two sons with her," she adds.

" Oh, that doesn't seem so bad," releasing a breath. Why was my mom so nervous about telling me this? I mean this doesn't even involve me or at least not yet.

" And-"

Another and? This one for sure can't be good. Whatever it is please don't let it be babysi-.

" I was kinda hoping you would help babysit them," my mom interrupts my thoughts.

" F**k," I cuss silently, hoping my mom didn't hear me. I know that babysitting doesn't seem that bad, but let me tell you it is.

" Please honey," my mom begs.

I sigh. " Fine, " I groan, regretting the words that came out of my mouth. "Wait did you say, them?"

" It's fine honey, it's only an hour or two," my mom pauses. " For the next two months," whispering the last part.

"What?!?!" I began raising my voice. " Two months?!?!"

" Honey please don't yell in the house,"

I roll my eyes. My mom always has the urge to correct me if I'm doing something incorrect or isn't lady like.

" And yes two months, my co worker and I are working on a project that will at least take two months to conduct," my mom explains.

" Why can't she leave her kids at home?"

" I don't know honey, now please don't ask any further questions," she says, escorting me out of the room.

" So how did it go?" Amelia ask, giving me a worried look.

" Everything is fine," I face my head down. Yeah that's a complete lie.

" Look on the bright side, it could be someone cute,"

" Yeah just what I need, a noisy 10 year old boyfriend," I joke. " Wait how do you know somebody is coming over?"

" I may have eavesdropped on your conversation," Amelia nudges me on the shoulder.

I laugh. " For doing that, you have to help me now,"

Amelia playfully roll her eyes and leads me over to the couch, gesturing me to sit down next to her.

" Cassidy welcome to babysitting 101, first thing you should know is that kids are easily distracted by anything," Amelia explains.

" So what's considered a distraction?" I ask.

" Well you can-"

* Ding Dong *

The doorbell rang, cutting Amelia off.

" Well my job here is done, good luck kid," Amelia says patting my back, and walking into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Perfect. Amelia gave me zero advice about babysitting and the woman herself is outside with her kids right this second. Just perfect.

" I'll get it!"

I open the door to reveal a woman with two boys standing behind her.

" Hi, you must be Cassidy, it's a pleasure to meet you," the woman shook my hand.

" Nice to meet you too,"

" I'm Susanne, and these are my two sons Gilmher and Jayden,"

I shake the boys' hand, taking a glance at their faces, realizing that they both look older than I did.

" I don't want to be rude, but how old are you guys?" I ask nicely as possible.

" I'm 18 and my bro here is 23," the brunette boy responds.

My eyes widen with shock. They're older than I am. Why do they still need a babysitter? I mean they're practically adults. Does this mean I don't have to watch over them anymore? So many questions are flowing in my mind.

" Cassidy?" Susanne asked, waving her hand in my face.

A/N I honestly don't know the mothers name so if I got it wrong then I'm sorry. Nothing really interesting has happened yet because I want to ease the story into it, instead of just rushing through it. But don't worry the next chapter is going to be interesting! 😏😏

Also I didn't create the cover so shoutouts to whoever drew it. And shoutouts to unicornsparkledreams for creating the awesome picture for this chapter! 💖😂

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