Chapter 2- Tell Me He Is Hot!

Start from the beginning

"Oh you are on, Anna Carter," Oh no. We have had food fights before. All not ending so well in my favor. I run, and when I saw run I mean sprinted. Sadly, Shawn happens to be faster than me. He cracks a large egg on my head and the goo runs down my hair and face. "That egg had two yolks! Haha that's so cool! Too bad I used it on a toad like you."

"Hey!" I hit him playfully. "That isn't nice Shawn! You are the toad! You can't feel bad about yourself and call other people what you are! Did your parents not teach you manners?!" I call him out for his doing.

"I'm sorry, toadette," he says playfully, "I didn't mean to upset you. Will a cupcake cheer you up?" He wiggles his eyebrows while saying it.

I almost said yes but I realized he was talking about the cupcakes. They really do look poisonous. "No! They will probably give me food poisoning! Shawn we really need to learn how to cook. At least I do. My brother wants me to make him cupcakes for his birthday party. Why me? Why not mom?! He also said no to store bought cupcakes! He is so freaking difficult?"

Shawn laughs.

"What's so funny?" I frown.

"You. You are getting so worked up over cupcakes. You just have to follow directions. There are probably some online. I could help you, too. Okay?" He always has answers to problems. Even if I was joking. That's why I love him so much.

"Shawn I was joking but thank you," I laugh while grinning, "It's okay, you do not have to help me but you can if you want. His party isn't for a couple of weeks anyways."

I walk in front of Shawn then engulf him him into a hug. He hugs me back. "We better get cleaned up before your mom gets home.. it is quite a mess in here. Why don't you go take a shower while I clean up what I can in here then we can switch. Okay Annie?"

I say yes then make my way to my bathroom. I pick out a loose white shirt with a [black] outlined rose in the corner. I also grab a pair of ripped jeans from my closet and a white hat that says "Slayin' It". I hurriedly walk into my bathroom because the egg is drying and cracking by the second. It is a tad bit cold in here. I pull off my Madonna shirt and slip off my black jeans. I take my undergarments off and turn the water to warm. I wait for it to warm up. I look at my reflection in the mirror a see my egg-stained hair I put into a ponytail this morning. I also see my terrible tan lines I need to fix. I feel the bathroom heating up so I know the waters warm now. I took the ponytail out of my hair and let it cascade down my back. I step into the shower and the hot water runs down my back. I nearly moan at how good it feels.


"Thanks, again, for coming over and keeping me entertained all day Shawn, I would've been so bored I literally would've died. You're like my only friend," I laughed while talking to Shawn on the phone. He left a few hours ago. After I showered, Shawn took a shower and I washed his clothes. He had to wear one of my over-sized hoodies and a pair of my slightly big joggers. He complained, but it was that or one of my flowy dresses.

"I had a lot of fun, so it wasn't a problem! You made it one of the best days of my life-ever, so I should be thanking you, Anna," Shawn says, gleefully.

He is so sweet. He is like an older brother-a sweet one, though. "Awe you are so sweet! Well I have to start getting ready for my movie trip with my friends. Bye, Shawnie! I love you," I say goodbye to him, and he does the same.


"Let's watch Everything Everything!," Kaitlyn screamed to me and Ariana. We were at the movies, if you couldn't tell. we don't know what genre to watch so, of course, we shout out genre until we find one we like. I'm a romance whore.

"But I don't want to watch a romance movie, Kaitlyn! Why don't we watch Spiderman?!" Ariana quiets down a little bit.

"Why don't we watch something scary?" I suggest, in the mood for a fright. I usually never watch horror movies but when I do, its a binge session. Ask anyone I know.

I know Kaitlyn hates scary movies but she is too kind to say no. I know I shouldn't be taking advantage of her kindness, but I can't help it. When I go home with her and Ariana, we can watch Moana or something. Snacks will be on the to-get list. When are they not?

"OH MY GOD YES!" Ariana screams. In. My. Ear. I can't blame her though, she is just like me when it comes to romance, but with horror. "LET'S WATCH THE BYE BYE MAN I HEARD IT IS SO FLIPPING GOOD!"

We walk in the room The Bye Bye Man is in. The lights are still on so we find the best spots possible (the 8th row back so we can see the whole screen without tilting our heads up). I sit in the middle with Ariana on my right and Kaitlyn on my left. Being in the middle has one downside. Well two, I have to hold the popcorn and hands will always be reaching in front of me. Ariana sat in the middle last time, so it's my turn naturally. I am slightly terrified that this movie is going to be extremely scary, and I might not be able to handle it. Haha that was a funny joke, don't you think? I can handle everything and everything.

I am broken out of my thoughts by Ariana, pointing across the room to the left. "Isn't he hot? ANNA! Is he not hot? Tell me he is hot!"

I look to my left and see the one and only, Cole Ryder. Great.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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