Chapter Seven

Depuis le début

I moved over to where King was standing, keeping at least three feet distance. I opened my mouth but nothing came out except air. My hands were trembling. No, I can't lose Father. Who will tell me stories every night to put me to sleep? Who will teach me debating skills? Who will scold me if I've done something wrong? To whom can I rely on for everything? I didn't even know when I started to cry.

I looked at my father and saw him gazing down at me. My heart jumped in my chest. He was smiling. I rubbed my eyes but I didn't stop crying. I wanted him to see how unhappy I was. I wanted him to do something. But instead, he just smiled.

I couldn't understand why he was smiling. I knew he had strength to get up and leave. King was his disciple. He could've ordered the King. But instead, he is getting ready to be beheaded?

Perhaps Krsna wants him to come, I heard a voice from my heart. Somehow, the thought was relieving to me. Somehow, I could understand this is Krsna's plan. He wanted Father to live an eternal life. I was little calmer when I looked at Father again. As if reading my mind, he nodded at me and closed his eyes again.

The next thing that happened was really unexpected. It revealed me the things that Father could do, of which I didn't have any idea.

Father started to glow. His face shone in the color of gold. But it didn't stop. The color brightened, reminding me of fire. But even fire might have become embarrassed by now because Father started to glow even more than that. It was as if the sun itself has decided to land. It was so bright that I could no longer see his face.

I covered my eyes. I wanted to see him. I knew I wouldn't anymore. I wished to see him, just last time. I tried to open my eyes but the glow felt like pins attacking the orbs. I closed them again.

"Father! Don't go!" I let out a whimper. But it was of no use. I should've uttered those words sooner. The only thing that could given me solace enough to stay on my feet that Krsna has come and He is willing to take Father to the eternal abode. But I was still trembling. I needed my father. I was desperate. Frantically I opened my eyes and they landed on the empty space instead of Father. The red ashes flew everywhere and I could see grey colored dust on the ground.

He is gone. He used the ancient technique of dying: krodhagni. My heart sank and I started screaming. Soldiers held me from behind but I struggled. I knew I wasn't powerful. I stopped struggling soon after realizing that my desperation wouldn't return my father. I fell on my knees and cried.

Krsna, if You're listening, please take good care of him. Please don't let him come in this world again. Please give him so much love that he become blissful for eternity. My mind started to repeat these sentences more than once.

I remember once when I had been depressed just because I fell and broke my knees in my childhood. Father had approached me. He consoled me and said, "it's normal to cry and get depressed because of adversity. But in reality, this world is full of problems. The more you get depressed, the more you'll get those. Instead, you must learn to rise above and see these problems from the eyes of someone higher than you, me for example. You can always rely on me, Vrinda. Never forget that."

I let out a whimper and cried more at that memory. How would I rely on you Father after you've decided to leave?

I really wasn't in the situation of doing anything else. But my eyes shot open when I heard a soldier saying something about war. I walked over to the King to hear the conversation clearly.

"...the war has started my King. I don't know what has gone wrong. The sacrifice you made. It was for nothing. They are still determined for it. They have come my king. Please do something!"

The desperation in his voice told me that situation was no where near good. I looked at the King. He must be even more devastated than me. Perhaps Father had secretly ordered King to take this drastic step. Otherwise why would King make such an order to behead Father? He loved Father after all. King treated him just like his own father. Did Father sacrifice his life just for nothing?

I didn't know how I got courage to speak these words, "we should fight my King."

The King stared in the space and looked at me. I could tell he was as disturbed as I and Mother was. Wait, Mother! I turned around and found her standing just behind me. People had left the arena already.

Was I crying for hours?

"My King!" I heard a familiar voice and i stepped back. It was Chiran.

Chiran fell at the feet of King. "I apologise. I tried to pursuade them!" His voice trembled as if he had seen a spider.

King tightened his fist. I could see his demeanor changing from frustrated to rage. He grabbed Chiran's collar and pulled him up. They were face to face. "Tried? You just tried?" his voice was so threatening that I could feel chill traveling down my spine.

Chiran gulped and he raised his palms to protect himself from King's rage. But King tightened his grip. "I know you're upset. Believe me! Even I'm frustrated. It wasn't me who backstabbed you, it was His Highness Leon. He wanted this war. He used me." he trembled more.

But his words made King even more angry. "Sure. You are some commodity that can be easily used. Look, Chiran. I'm sick of your games. Considering the situation, I'm leaving you. Otherwise, you would've been beheaded right now."

King threw Chiran on the ground and looked at the soldier, "make sure ladies, children, and older ones are safe. Bring them to my secret passage and keep them locked in until the war ends. Fetch them all the basic supplies. I don't know how long it will take." and he left.


Okay tell. Me, who cried after reading this? Because I did. Anyway, comment your views.


Mayajaal: the snares of illusion || On hold ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant