Chapter One

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Bang bang bang. What the hell was that noise? Groggily I sit up and look at my clock *7:30am*  my mother calls out. “Summer get up”.
“Yes mum!” I respond. I rub my face. Oh man not that dream again. I sigh jumping out of bed, I some how tumble out onto the floor, my legs tangled in my blankets. I untangle my legs and jump into the shower. ‘Today is going to be a long day.’ I sigh to myself.

30 minutes later I’m driving my brothers pink pick up truck to school because he is too hung over. I’m assuming by all the groaning noises, he had a lot to drink. “How much did you drink last night William?” I sigh. He drinks all the time now and no one knows why. “I don’t know...maybe 3...or was it 20?” William shakes his head. “I lost count, but at least i got laid last night.” He says with a smirk. I raise my eyebrows at him. “TMI William!! I don’t need to know that.” I feel really grossed out. Ewww who would want to go near that?? “You’re just jelly because i have a sex life and you don’t.” Well at least I think he said that, he is currently drinking water. I hope its water. “Why would i be jealous? You know that my dream is to become a singer, I don’t have time for that stupid stuff.” I say as i stop at a red light. Someone behind beeps their horn, so I turn my head to look out the rear window and see that William is staring at me. Wait, no scratch that, he is death staring me. “Aww is poor Willy having a bad hangover? Does he need me to take him back to mummy?” I love making fun of him, but clearly he doesn’t see the funny side. “You only want to become a singer because of our father!!” he yells at me. The light turns green and I speed off. I am so mad at what he just said. “No I am not, dickward.” I grumble back. Why am I so mad, is it because he might be right? No way. I want to be a singer because that is what I have always wanted to be and singing seems to be the only thing I’m good at,  that’s the end of it. “Are so.”He is still glaring at me. Yep today is going to be a long ass day.

Thank god its lunch time I have managed to avoid my bother all day. I walk over to my normal lunch table to see that I have been ditched by my best friend, so she could make out with her boyfriend in the girls bathroom. I don’t even bother to eat my salad  and decide to head straight to the music room. I walk past the girls bathroom that my best friend was most likely in. I stumbled in with my eyes closed so I don’t accidentally see her boyfriend naked again. “Shhhh someone is in here.” I hear I familiar voice say. “Chill Bella, its just me.” I say with a laugh.
“Oh thank god.” Bella sighs with relief. I see her head pop over the top of the door. “What are you up Sum?”
“I’m going to the music room because my so called best friend ditched me.” I say as I give Bella a fake death glare. “Aww that best friend sounds evil.” She winks at me.
“A hot evil best friend.” Ryan says, Bella’s boyfriend. “Shut up Ryan.” We both say together. “Im outta here. Behave live birds.” I blow Bella a kiss and run out before Ryan asks me to join them, like he did last time. Not that I did but it caused issues with Bella because she thought I liked Ryan and that he liked me. I would never like Ryan like that, he’s like a big brother to me. He’s more of a big bother than William is.
I enter the dark music room and walked over to the far corner to set up my guitar, that i leave in the music room. If i took if home mum and William would break it. I set up and get straight into it. I play a few warmup songs and I’m going to play my own song that I have been writing over the past few months. I start off with the guitar and start singing.

It all started when I asked her where you were
why you left us
Why you were gone
She would always say
Don’t you worry my sweet child
We don’t need him.

All my life I knew nothing about you
Nothing at all
But that meant I knew nothing about myself

I’m just an average girl in this big world,
Trying to find her self
Trying to figure out where she came from
Trying to figure out why you were gone, gone, gone
There’s a part of me that I know nothing about
That I might never know
Daddy, where did you go?

All these questions run through my 24/7
Would I ever meet you?
Do you know who I am?
How will I know where to look for you?
I was on a mission to find you
To find myself
To find where I belong

I’m just an average girl in this big world
Trying to find herself
Trying to figure out where she came from
Trying to figure out why you were gone, gone, gone
I’m on a mission to find you
To find myself
To figure out who I am
And how I fit in this big world
Daddy why did you leave?”

I open my eyes to find that I have an audience. It was Sunkist, the hottest boy band...I instantly blushed. “I’m so sorry, were you waiting for the music room? I’ll get out of your way.” I begin to pack away my guitar and collect my belongings, the blush still clearly on my face. I look up at the boys, but they haven’t moved or even said anything. They just keep staring at me, with their mouths wide open. “That my friend’s, is how you captivate an audience.”

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