Loudly gasping and shooting forward from where I laid, I found myself shaking from the sudden shock of that light enveloping me so quickly and unexpectedly. I couldn't see a thing. Everything was still quite dark, but I knew my body sitting on a cold surface, probably the floor. I slowly move my hand towards my face, feeling nothing but skin where your bandanna used to be. I panicked before hyperventilating and searching to see if I had my backpack with me either. I was surprisingly able to find it, and I wondered why they took my bandanna but not my other belongings. I guess they are slightly more civilized and educated to know to not take away a female's belongings, especially if they are clothes. I remembered that I packed my phone in my backpack, quickly opening said object to retrieve it.

I turned on my phone, deciding to use only the screen light instead of the flashlight since I didn't want my battery to die so soon. I stood up and inspected the small room I was in, seeing that the walls were pure stone and the door that trapped me inside was pure metal. I then went towards my backpack again, placing my phone down and getting my spare bandanna from inside. I placed it over my eyes and tied it onto my head, hoping that they wouldn't take this one like they did the last one. I pulled my black hood up as well before zipping up my backpack and placing it on my back. I then retrieved my phone from the stone cold floor, dusting it off and putting it in a smaller pocket on the backpack with a bit of a struggle since the backpack it was on my back.

Having a planned already made in my mind, I started experimenting with the metal door, seeing if there were any cracks between it and the stone. After a while I started loosing hope, before I gasped with delight, seeing the tiniest hole in the bottom corner of the door. I used a spare rock on the ground of my cell to start slowly chipping away at the metal and ground below it, hoping that I would be able to make a hole big enough to crawl out of without them noticing. It was honestly my only chance of escaping without having any contact with the Court of Nightmares, or anyone from this world for the matter. I wondered how I would explain about my iPhone if they ever found out I had it, laughing at the thought of there confused faces and my horrible explanation on what it was.

Slowly, the hole started to get bigger as time passed on. I felt slightly tired but I was determined to get out of here unharmed, unnoticed, and safe. I peeked through the hole, laying down with my butt in the air. My back started to hurt like hell, so I stopped and decided to just sit in one of the corners. "Let me shoot across the sky. ." I whispered, looking around the cell to take your mind off of everything that was happening to today, or was it yesterday? I started to wonder if I would actually be able to get out of here alive, seeing as they were able to easily capture me and overpower me. This thought made me start losing hope, and I hugged my legs while leaning my head on top of them to comfort myself. But I instead wanted someone else to comfort me, to tell me everything was alright and this wasn't real, but I knew that was never going to happen.

"I never worry, life is a journey. I just wanna enjoy the ride. What is the hurry? It's pretty early. It's okay, we'll take our time." I sang quietly as I sang the lyrics to "The Night Is Still Young" by Nicki Minaj, not wanting anyone to hear me as I did so. Shaking my head as you remembered that they had super hearing, I started to sing normally. "The night is still young, the night is still young. The night is still young, and so are we. How dare we sit quietly, and watch the world pass us by. The night is still young, and so are we." Sighing, I stopped singing, knowing that it wouldn't lift up my mood like it used to. The only reason why I still kept on speaking was because my voice comforted and told me that, yes, I was still alive.

I rested my eyes for a while, listening to the silence and darkness that surrounded myself. "When you spend so long trapped in darkness, you find that the darkness begins to stare back." A weirdly familiar voice sounded out in the enclosed room, making me slowly lift my head up and look around my cell. Those words made me feel as if I wasn't the only one in this cell, and those words make your eyes shape out the shadows of watching eyes. No, staring at you, with astonishment? It made me shiver slightly, and I wanted to reach out and touch the owner of those staring eyes, but knew that my hand would go right through them. I decided to just keep staring at those eyes for what felt like hours, before a loud knock, more like banging, was sounded from the metal door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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