Chapter 6

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When we got on the freeway, we realized something very weird. There was a car COMPLETELY flipped over on the side of the road! And to make it even weirder, there was zombie blood oozing from underneath the car! And not just zombie blood. Human blood, too. The windshield was completely popped out, as if someone had kicked it out to escape. This couldn't be good. I watched the scene of what must have happened unravel like a movie in my mind. A newborn, strong zombie got hungry. It decided that the best way to catch a good human would be to stop their car entirely. In other words, flip it over and stun the poor, fleshy humans. Then, when the humans are thinking over their best escape plan, they decide kicking out the windshield and attempting to run for their lives is the best option. And just like it does every time, the zombie caught them, and ripped them to shreds. But where were the human carcasses? I know it sounds incredibly nasty, and trust me it is, but after the zombies eat a human, they always manage to leave the bones behind. Even though they have incredibly strong bites, their teeth cannot penetrate the human bones. Though their incredible strength they have in their muscles can snap them, unfortunately.

My mom drove a little further, being careful not to drive over the broken glass. When we got to the other side of the flipped car, we saw it. The human carcass. But the zombie hadn't bothered with their face. He left it just the way it was, making sure that the unfortunate woman suffered through her death. This is a cruel, cruel world we're living in," I thought. I turned my head, not wanting to look at the scene. This zombie was clearly one of the cruelest I'd ever even known of.

The woman's facial expression was horrific. It made me nearly burst into tears. Her jaw hung wide open. Just like anyone would be, she had been screaming for dear life when she died.

I shuddered, making a silent oath that I would choose suicide before death by zombies.


"What was that?!" Rebecca nearly screamed.


There it was again, but this time louder, and much more powerful.


This time Rebecca did scream, so loud in fact that I thought the windows would shatter.

CRASH! All of the sudden the rear right window shattered, leaving a spider web like design behind. Rebecca backed as far away from the window as she could, leaving almost no room for her mother.

"What's going on?!" she shouted. But I didn't have time to respond.

CRASH!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly the left rear window cracked, but this time pieces of it fell onto Rebecca and Lidia. When Rebecca realized this she decided that it was best to back up near the other window instead.

BAM!!! The car shook back and forth, similar to an earthquake. Then I saw it.

The zombie instantly appeared in front of our car, smiling a demonic smile that sent chills down my spine. This was a new zombie. In fact, probably the newest type of zombie there was. To prove that theory, he still had his clothes pretty much intact aside from a one long tear and some nicks. He was in a nicely fashioned business suit, and leather dress shoes. The one and only long tear he had in his clothes ran from his wrist all the way up to his shoulder on his left arm. Underneath was some extremely pale, pasty skin, with red human blood on it. Blood was dripping viciously from his teeth. Human blood, of course. After all, zombies were not known for attacking each other...yet. And from catching one look at him, seeing his newly formed, bulging muscles, I knew that he was a brand new zombie. He probably turned maybe five days ago at the most.

He spread his arms open wide, clearly blocking our path with his strength. Then he growled a vicious, disgusting growl that made me want to hurl.

Eyes like disgusting bugs focused on me. They bore deep within me, making me feel terrified and scared like a cat with a mouse.

"What do we do?!" Rebecca screamed to the top of her lungs.

"I don't know." I said. But whatever it was, it would have to be fast and quick.

The zombie immediately came racing towards the windshield, aiming straight for me.

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