Chocolate Milk

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Ryan and Brendon were done with the secks and were tired. Ryan's throat was a little dry from moaning so much that he asked Brendon for some chocolate milk. Brendon agreed and got out of their king sized bed to walk to the kitchen. While Brendon was standing in the kitchen, nude, he spilled some milk on the floor. He acted quick and got the mop which no one knows where he got from and started mopping the floor only for it to spread. "I need a towel." He told himself, he walked down the hall to the bathroom. After a few minutes Ryan was getting tired of waiting so he called for his boyfren "Brendon!" Ryan whined but only to get no reply "Brendon!" He called again but didn't hear anything. "Ugh" Ryan groaned as he got up still nude and walked into the kitchen, he didn't notice the spilt milk and slipped falling on his sore ass. He let out a grunt as he tried to get up but slipped again. When Brendon returned into the kitchen with a towel he found Ryan sitting on the kitchen floor covered in milk. He laughed which Ryan flipped him off. Brendon took his towel, kneeled down and wrapped Ryan in the towel. "I hate you." Ryan muttered "I know." Brendon smiled as he wrapped Rayn into a little suasage. Brendon picked up his suasage boyfren and carried him to the bathroom leaving the milk to dry on the kitchen floor. While Ryan sat on the toilet seat cover still wrapped in his towel he watched Brendon fill the bath with warm water. When the tub was full he stepped in and sat down then looked at Ryan and patted his lap, in which Ryan threw off his towel and stepped onto the tub sitting on his boyfrens lap and cuddling against him. Brendon used his palm as a cup scooping up water into his hand and washing Ryan's hair.

The End.

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