Chapter 3

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My visitation came and people who I hadn't seen in years showed up. Even ex girlfriends and parents of ex girlfriends. Everyone had the same expression, sad. When I seen my buddies I walked up to them smiled, and opened my arms. I began to realize that what I was doing was dumb because they could no longer hear me. I sat in the front row next to my mom. I held her as she cried. A few high school friends spoke about how funny I was and how I could light up the room when I walked in. I wondered if people said this about everyone who died, as I heard it so often at funreals. It was Amy's turn to speak. Her hands shook as she stood before the crowd, eyes staind with tears. "He was my bestfriend." she began "And I don't think I will ever cry enough for him. I lost the love of my life, I wasn't even able to say goodbye." Her voice cracked. "I hope he can hear me when I say that I know he would want me to move on, but I will never love someone as much as I loved him." I could feel a warming sensation in my heart, then the sunlight broke through the trees and shined upon Amy. People gasped a minute, but Amy smiled and stared up at the sun. "I know he can hear me." She said quietly, and she was right.

I never slept, I didn't need to. I laid next to Amy wide awake, all night. She would ocasionally wake up from night terrors, but I would stroke her hair and talk her through it.

Things like Amy visiting my grave hit me hard. She would go every other day to lay a new flower on it. My grave stone was huge, with beautiful engravments on it, they lai me next to my great grandfather, who had also passed in an accident. I often wondered if he looked over my greatgrandmother like I was for Amy. Did everyone get this choice, or was I just born to be Amy's angel.

Even though Amy had started to go out more often, she came home every night and cried. "Why?!" She would scream out and slam herself down onto the ground. She'd throw things or snap things in half. At times she stared at our wedding picture, smiling, yet crying.

Amy invited a medium over one day, to talk to me. It was a weird feeling, having someone hear my voice when I spoke. Amy lauhed at what the meduim was telling her. I joked around and tried to make Amy happy. "He says he was there when he passed. He heard you whisper 'I love you'"

Amy clapped her hand over her mouth and smiled. I hugged her close to me, "He's hugging you." the meduim said, getting choked up herself. "Is that what I feel at night and sometimes through out the day too?" she asked. I nodded, "He says yes."

Amy made the right descion to invite the meduim over, she now felt my pressance whenever I was there. She even told her mom what she had done. At first her mom wasn't hesitant but slowly warmed up to the idea. They had longs talks about signs that I had given her, and even talked about the letters. It brought her mom to tears when she read the letters, "This is truly a god given gift. I can't even believe this is happening." Amy nodded and wiped a tear away from her eye.

Months flew by and before long summer had came to a close and the first snow blanketed the ground. "The white snow is cold, and light like my heart." Amy wrote on a notepad as she sat infront of the fireplace. She sighed and put down her pen. She glanced at the TV watching a documentary on JFK. She placed her arm on the couch, but what she didn't know is it was laying on my leg. I didn't think it was possible but I felt the same sensation I felt when I was actually there with her. A warm tingling sensation rushed up my leg and into my stomach. I felt the sensation build up in my stomach until I couldn't bare it any longer. I let out a weep and felt the hot tears stream down my face. Amy flung herself around to look me dead in the eyes. "Brantley?" She whispered. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and to my surprise she caresed my arm. I put her chin in my palms and I could feel the warmth of her face again. She leaned in closer to me, could she see me? Was I back somehow? Her lips softly touched mine and it sent a shock of eletric down my spine. I pulled her in close desperate to feel the warmth of her body on mine. She kissed me deeper and deeper until she couldn't get any closer to me. I ran my hands down her back as she ran her fingers through my hair. I wasn't understanding how this was happening but I didn't question it, afraid it would go away if I did.

I woke the next morning, laying next to her. I could still feel her skin touching mine; She laid asleep. "Amy." I whispered in her ear. She stirred but did not wakeup. I traced my fingers on her arm but she stil did not awake. Could she not feel me again. I tightly wrapped my hand around her waist and she giggled. I smiled as she got up, but she didn't turn to face me. She walked from the room, naked, something I thought I wouldn't see. I laid in bed for a moment before follwoing her into the kicthen where she was scribling in her notebook.

   Dear Brantley,

I had a dream about you last night. It was like you were here. You kissed me like the way you used to when you got home from work. It made me miss your kisses. I miss running my fingers through your hair too, made me feel so safe when you held me tight too.

I wiped my eyes and slumped down into my chair. This was just torture. I visited her in her dreams last night, I didn't actually kiss her, or hug her. I looked up at her and she was facing away from me. her shoulders shook. I walked up behind her and heard her soft wimpers, she was crying. I hugged her waist and settled my face in her shoulder. "You're okay." I whispered. She wiped her eyes and broke away from my arms as if they weren't there.

That day she dressed up in her prettiest red heels and red dress. The one she wore on our honeymoon. Her lips were painted a nude color and her eyes sparkled with her eyeshadow. She starred at her wedding ring before dropping it into her jewlery box and shutting it. I was unsure where she was going when we left, until we drove up to a cafe. A man greated her at the door and handed her flowers. My face burned in jealousy as she smiled at him and walked through the door he was holding open for her. I studied him up and down as he made her smile and laugh. He didn't seem fake, he wasn't a jerk, he was a gentleman as well. He left time for Amy to talk about herself but also informed her about himself. I realized that I was observing a date, Amy was on a date. I sat at a near by tabel and watched intently. Amy was shy at first and stared into her cup of coffee as she talked. He could tell she was shy so he started to make her laugh, the key to get a woman to talk. She started to look him more in the eye and by the end of the night she was staring him dead on. She giggled as they walked arm in arm back to her car. They stood for a moment smiling at eachother next to her car. "Thank you for the great time Luke. I really needed it." She said hugging him tightly. "You're welcome Amy. I hope I we can do this again. Maybe Friday? A movie instead." He smiled. She nodded, "Yeah that sounds great." Luke leaned into her close and at first I thought he was going to kiss her lips, but he kissed her cheek instead. She blushed and said goodbye. When she shut the car door behind her, she didn't start the car right away like usual. She sat there blushing  and smiling. As much as I wanted to be jealous, I was happy for her. I could tell she liked him, and I could tell he was going to be good to her. A smile apeared on my face as we drove onto the highway, headed home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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