Saving Amy

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I watched her as she swung high on the swing set, her bright white teeth glistening in the sunset. I pushed her higher and higher, falling more and more deeply in love with her every giggle. She came to a stop and looked back at me. Her soft lips met mine and I could feel my knees go weak. The butterflies fluttered around in my stomach until she pulled away. Her soft brown eyes stared into mine, and I loved it. I loved looking into her eyes because I could see our future together. I could see her giving me children, making my house a home, giving me her absolute undying love. "What?" she giggled. I must have been staring too long again. "Nothing." I said shaking my head a smiling. "What?" she said nudging my arm. "Nothing." I said. I wrapped my palms around her cheeks and pulled her lips towards mine. I felt the warm sensation of her lips pressing against mine. Her sweet cherry lip gloss lingered on my tongue. I kissed her with more passion and pulled her closer towards me. She pulled away and smiled. Our arms were rapped around each other so tightly that we almost were one. She nuzzled her nose on mine and I felt the warmth fill my heart. I had honestly never felt the love towards someone, I felt towards Amy. I thought I knew love before, I thought I met my first love before, but I was dead wrong. "Amy I love you." I whispered. Her cheeks grew the color of a beautiful rose as she kissed me once more. "I love you too the moon and back again." she replied. We both headed back inside the house and sat at the kitchen table. All was silent, as we both watched each other. I was fascinated by the way she walked with such confidence. She kept her held high even though that most would hang there head if they had ever experienced what she had gone through in her lifetime.

I had meet Amy when I was only 18. She was the most beautiful creature that I had ever laid eyes on. And even then, before we said a word to each other, I was in love. I remember the first time I ever spoke to her, it was the hardest thing to say in my life. One simple word could hardly come from my mouth, "Hello." After the struggle to even say hello, everything came easy. She was as sweet as a daffodil and her voice was filled with such life and happiness, even though her life was filled with pain and guilt. Amy was in a relationship when I first began talking to her. She was shy to me at first, thinking I was only here to steal her away. She began to feel more safe around me and started opening up more. I remember the day she wiped away makeup just for me to see, her bruise that he painted above her eye. I remember the anger, the fear, and the sadness I felt all at the same time. I swore that I wouldn't say a word about it, and that I did. But I was too in love with Amy to keep a secret such as that away from someone who could help her. The expression on Amy's face when I swung at her boyfriend was priceless. Even though I walked away with a split lip and a pruised forehead, Amy still walked by my side, proud of me. "I can't believe you did that." She said as she wiped away the blood on my lower lip. The feeling I felt when her lips touched mine was unremarkable. Even though she is mine now, even though I've kissed her a thousand, millions, billions of times, I still feel the same way she kissed me for the first time ever.

She held my hand in hers as we drove down the road towards our home. She sang along to the song, like a bird sings along with the spring breeze. The sweet melody warmed my heart and I couldn't get enough of it. As we pulled into the drive that crazy girl opened the passenger door and began running. She jumped from the moving truck and ran, ran as fast as her beautiful long legs could carry her. I laughed and kept driving, watching her caramel hair blow in the breeze. The sun beat down on the lawn giving it a perfect green shade to compliment Amy's tan. Her bare feet padded the ground and soon she leaped onto the porch. I stopped the truck in front of the garage, shut the passenger door, and quickly walked to the house. Amy had already started the music in the kicthen and was dancing around to a Kenny Chesney song. She spun around and around with grace and smiled at me each time she danced by. I laughed, not because she was funny, but because I couldn't believe this was mine. Everything in this very moment was mine. Amy spun her way to the couch and plopped down back first. She giggled uncontrollably and winked at me. I felt shivers go down my spine when I saw what beauty laid before me. "What was that all about?" I asked tucking her hair behind her ear. She shrugged and nuzzled into my chest. Her tender hands lay atop of me slowly drawing hearts on my shirt. I sighed quietly, so she wouldn't ask why. I could't risk losing this perfect moment by just a question. She looked up at me. "I want a puppy." She chirped. "A puppy?" I asked taken back by such randomness. She nodded and grinned, "Like a lab, or a husky. Something that cuddles." She said tapping my nose with her finger tip. "Then lets get a lab!" I said smiling down at her. Her eyes lit up in excitement and she jumped from the couch. Her feet shuffled across the wood floor until it reached our bedroom door. At first when she opened I thought she was inviting me in, but instead out came a big ball of fluff. My jaw dropped for a moment as it waddled over to me. "Oh my goodness." I said dropping down to my knees. It licked my hands with its small warm tongue, its curious nose getting the best of him. "Does he have a name yet?" I asked looking up at him. She shook her head, "I wanna call him Russ." She knelt down too and petted his fur. He rolled over on his back and she began rubbing his tummy. "Russ is a perfect name." I said. "Good cause his name was going to be Russ either way." I laughed and watched her snuggle up next to him. He licked her nose over and over, but she didn't seem to care. My heart was filling with some much love from today that I couldn't help but tackle Amy on the ground. I lay over top of her and smiled. "I love you." I said. her hands wrapped around my neck and pulled my head down towards her. Her soft lips met mine and I felt at peace with the world. The warm sensation of our lips touching made my whole body warm.

That night we lay in the middle of the bed cuddling our new family member, Russ. Amy and Russ slept silently as I watched them, their chest rising and falling in unison. Amy's caramel hair flowed down her shoulder like a beautiful waterfall. strands of hair softly fell as she stirred in her sleep. Russ twitched slightly and whined. I brushed my hands over his soft puppy fur to soothe him, assuming he was having a bad dream. Several car lights beamed through the window, rolled across the wall, then disappeared. I thought back to the first time I held Amy in my arms while laying in our bed for the first time. The way she couldn't lay still because she was so overjoyed. We laid awake to the wee hours of the morning just talking about anything and everything. At one point I got up and poured us several glasses of wine. When I woke the next morning Amy was sprawled out on the bed, hungover, yet still gorgeous. Her eyelids slid open with ease and her tired, still tipsy, smile appeared on her face. She made her way out to the kitchen and managed to make pancakes without setting the fire alarms off.

A deep sigh came from Amy and I rolled over to see if she awoken yet. She still laid there sound asleep, cuddling Russ even tighter. I could see Russ's eyes flicker open, he noticed he was still being held, but did not move a single muscle. He even knew he was being held by true beauty.

The smell of bacon swirled around my nose and tickled it till my eyes opened to the bright sun beating in through the window. I heard the crack and sizzle of the greese in the pan, but I heard something else along with this. I heard a beautiful meoldy coming down the hall and into the bedroom. Amy was singing along to a song I hadn't ever heard before. I could hear the lyrics play over the radio, but Amy was making up her own lyrics. She giggled at her own lyrics ever two sentences and I could hear her feet pad across the floor, dancing. The door moved open more and Russ appeared at the side of the bed. His tail wagged and he licked my hand, as if saying "Get up and come experience this with me." I rolled myself from bed and didn't bother to get dressed. The cold morning air wrapped around me like a chilly blanket and sent shivers down my body. I stood in the sun rays for a moment, warming my body. Walking down the hall I could hear the melody get louder and louder until it was right around the corner. I stood behind the wall separating the kitchen and the hallway and took in the whole thing. Amy giggled along with the song until Russ waddled into the room. "Hey Russy. Did you get that big lug up yet?" I could hear her feet start walking towards me and I sat there till she rounded the corner. Grabbing her hips, I pulled her close and kissed her. she pulled away and smiled, "I thought you were still sleeping."

I shook my head, "And miss this view?"

She blushed and walked back into the kitchen, me and Russ followed. Orange juice sat at the table, as did syrup and a plate of bacon. "Eat up." She chirped as she washed her hands in the sink. I crunched down on some bacon as I drowned my pancakes in syrup, all the while watching the beauty before me

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