entry one

822 85 2

06.09.17 -

my mother made me get this journal so i could 'write down all my thoughts'. i mean, i'm not a literature major, but sure, i guess.

so, hello journal.

this is my first entry, and i have no idea what to talk about. i just moved into the dorms a couple days ago and i'm still waiting on my roommate. school starts in like, three days, i think? so i hope he shows up soon so we can get to know each other. all i know is that his name's minghao xu, so i guess i got my request for having a chinese roommate.

i met up with seungcheol earlier on today for brunch. i know, stereotypical gay shit, but who am i to turn down a free meal of chicken and waffles? it was actually nice to be able to talk to him after so long. he said he had to go meet an old friend so i just went back to my dorm and took a nap.

my neighbors invited me out so i'm trying to hurry to finish this entry before i leave. they seem awfully nice, and i found out that i have a class with the older one, soonyoung. the other is chan.

guess i gotta go, but i'll try to write when i get back.


i beat soonyoung's ass in bowling and i have never felt so accomplished. :')

he ended up having to pay our tab and afterwards we left. we took a taxi back to the apartment block and talked the whole way up to our floor before we went to our rooms.

my roommate was finally here when i got home, but he was asleep. i'm glad i'm not by myself anymore.

the guide; junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now