More About Me, More About You

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"Esba?" Laurent cooed, inching closer to my face. "That's an interesting name Belle." My cheeks screamed as he pecked my right one. This usually didn't bother me, but I continued the conversation.

"Thank you Lau." I grinned slightly, hoping not to look uncomfortable.

"Indigo, can I give you a nickname?" A goofy grin appeared on his face.

"I thought it was Belle, but sure." I mentally prepared for a perverted joke or one of the worst thus far.

"I want to call you Indi." His goofy grin left, as I turned away, grabbing my drink. "What's wrong? You no like it?"

I turned towards him slowly, with my drink to my lips. "Depends on why you chose it."

"I choose the name because it is like the movie; the movie with the man with the whip." I continued drinking as he took time to word his response. "The Crystal Skull! Indi! Like Indiana Jones!" I almost choked on the words 'Indiana Jones.'

I laughed hysterically, putting my drink down. When I regained some composure, Laurent was on his feet and looked like a lamb who realized it was lead to slaughter. "Wait," I was still chuckling. "Don't go. Why did you choose that out of all the other things you could have said? I love the name, honestly, I do, but why that of all the things Laurent?" I stood up and pulled him gently to sit next to me.

"Because you seem like an adventure." He smiled sincerely at me slightly looking away, probably wondering if it really was a good nickname.

"An adventure." I smiled and pecked his cheek softly.

"What you think it stand for?"

I placed my drink down on the table and sighed. "Something perverted." I stood up and grabbed my phone. "I enjoyed my time with you Laurent, and you seem to be a wonderful person." I started walking towards the stairs as Laurent started to jogged after me.

"You just gonna leave?" He held my hand, looking into my eyes.

"It's not like that Lau. You are fun, I enjoyed the night with you, and I kinda think I like you, but I need to go home. I've had a long day of practice, my sister is drunk and has my car. The sooner I leave the better." I began walking again but, he stepped in my way, towering me again.

"I ruin your mood?" He asked softly. My heart ached at the look on his face. Honestly, he didn't exactly ruin my mood, and it isn't his fault.

"No Lau, you didn't ruin my mood." I hugged him for confirmation. "That name is something I'll explain another time. With all things said, I really need to get going."

"Let me come with you, make sure you ok." My body froze at the statement and I wasn't sure how to handle it. If he tried anything, I can handle it.

"Alright, but you'll have to help with Jae." I pointed behind me.

"Ok. Larry come too or he stay here?" We walked over towards the two. Jaeda was asleep on his lap.

"Dear god." I pinched the bridge of my nose, praying to god that it's not as bad as it seems. "Larry?"

"Yes?" He said, looking up from his phone.

"Indigo go home; Jae go too. I go with them and make sure they ok." Laurent chimed, rubbing his brother's shoulder.

"Is ok Lau, I take care of Jaeda." Larry got to his feet, cradling a drunken Jaeda in his arms and her purse in hand, then followed me to the bar.

"Shawn," I winked at him. "I'll see you later." I waved as we continued walking. Lau and Larry nodded at him as we walked past.

"Bye Indigo!" He yelled back.

"And thanks for the advice!" I ran back to hug him, then scurried to the doors where I was before. I grabbed my keys from her purse and unlocked the car doors to my white Hummer. Lau opened the door for Larry as he placed Jaeda in the backseat, then sat next to her. Lau climbed in the front with me, as I started the engine. "I guess we should've eaten at the bar, but anyone hungry?"

"IM HUNGRY!" Jaeda screamed in the backseat. How did I forget she was the loud drunk? (Jae ik you reading this 😂 you know I'm joking. Love you sis 😘)

"There's my answer. Boys?"

"Very." They said together.

"Any requests?"


"Seriously Jae? Chipotle can be made exactly the same at home."

"But I dont wanna wait for you to make it!" She cried.

"Jae is okii. You be okii." Larry cooed. 

"Jaeda please stop crying." 

"Is she always like this?" Laurent tried not to giggle in the front seat.

"When she's drunk? Yes." I smiled and continued driving.

"Indi, turn right. There's a chipotle in this mall." 

"Alrightly then. Jae, be grateful that it was on the way."  I pulled into the mall. Once we got to the parking lot, I turned off the car and got out with Laurent behind me. "You and Larry eating anything?" 

"I see when we get inside." Laurent held out his arm for me, and I held it gently. 

"You know, Ive never knew this was a mall Laurent." I glanced up at him and he was smiling.

"Really? You non know?" He laughed.


"Well its not you average mall. What you think it is?"

"I dont know. It just seemed so different and classy on the outside. I didnt know what it was," I started giggling. "I just thought it was anything but a mall."

Lau reached out and opened the door. "Well belle," I was shocked when I saw the inside. "Consider this a 'classy' mall."

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