Chapter Sixteen- Darkness

Start from the beginning

"Jake calm down. It would take a lot for me to forgive him but at least he had the courage to come up to me and explain what happened."

"Yeah I guess so."

"He brought me the letter that my writing buddy had written back to me. It's on the windowsill. Can you please read it to me?" I heard him pick up the letter and open it. "Where is she from again?"

"The letter says that she is from Ohio." He put down the envelope from what I could hear and then he opened the paper. "Dear James, You seem like an amazing person. I'm from Ohio and I really like food probably more than you do. Now to answer all of your questions. I love track and I'm a sprinter. I have been all the way to nationals and since I'm a junior this year I really hope to get top three at nationals. It's awesome to be talking to someone who lives track as I do. Yes, I did have a sweet sixteen and it was amazing. It was the best party I have ever had and I love track so much that I had my party on the track at might school. We had so much fun with water balloon fights and everything. Now my turn to ask questions. What's your favorite food? Mine is personally a good pizza. What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Mine is chocolate with chocolate sprinkles. Ashley."

"That was such an awesome letter. I think this girl and I will be really awesome friends."

"Yeah she does seem really cool. Now if only you were straight she could be your girlfriend." Jake laughed. "Do you want me to write anything back?"

"No when and if my vision comes back I'll write back later. Can you take out my phone and go to my music and play my 'favorites' playlist?"

"Yeah no problem. Are you going to go to sleep?"

He turned my music on and then turned it down so it wasn't too loud. "I might I am really tired right now."

"Well your mom will probably be here soon so we might have to wake up you."

"Then I'll try not to fall asleep I guess." I started listening to my music and the song 'Flaws' by Bastille came on. I started to drift away while listening to it. His voice just made me drift far off to the land of sleep. The last words I heard were "All of your flaws, And all of my flaws."

I was walking in the center of town and I saw Ron. I went over to him to go and talk to him. "Hey Ron."

"Hey James. I was actually going to come over your house later." He kissed me on my forehead.

"Well good thing I'm here then. Do you want to go get some ice cream?"

"When would I ever deny ice cream." We walked over to the ice cream shop and we stood at the counter.

The server was Ryan and I was really upset by it. I didn't know why I was upset but I was. "How can I help you?"

"Can I have a soft serve chocolate cone with chocolate sprinkles?"

"Can I have the same thing with rainbow sprinkles?"

"Yup coming right up." He went to the back and he started making the cones. I got my cone and it had a cherry on top.

"I don't like cherries and I didn't ask for one." I said angrily. All of a sudden the ice cream shop we were in went completely black and it was only Ron and I standing there.

"Sometimes what someone did isn't right but you should still forgive them. You're one of the best people I know James and you'll make the right decision." Then he disappeared and I was standing there all alone in the dark.

"Hey James how are you feeling?" My Mom asked. I opened my eyes and everything was black but I still had the stuff in my eyes you get when you fall asleep. I rubbed it out and yawned.

"I'm feeling alright even though I just had the weirdest dream. Jake are you still here?"

"Yeah I'm here." He said.

"How long have I been asleep. It felt like a while."

"It's only been a half hour. But you looked like you were enjoying yourself."

"Yeah I was having a really good dream. So Mom I'm guessing the doctor told you I'm sorta blind."

"Yeah and I couldn't believe it. I will always be here for you. He told me there's a chance that it may come back so I'm praying that it does."

"Yeah me too. Well you look tired go get your rest. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Mom. Goodnight Jake."


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I'm going to put Bastilles Flaws in the chapter description so go watch it. Its an amazing song!!!

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