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North Wind Pov
      I can't believe it.... my wife is standing at few feet in front me. I try to talk to her saying "Winter... I", but she ignored me and ran to the room where my now deceased son is

Winter Pov
     I run to the room where my baby is. I try to enter the room, but I'm stopped by a doctor saying "Ms. I don't know who you are, but you can't enter here." I become furious and yell at him with my eyes turning a bright amber saying "HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE GOING TO LET ME IN THIS ROOM TO SEE MY BABY THIS INSTANT.!! As tears start forming in my eyes, he nods and allows me inside. I look to see my son Gaffer pale and lifeless...I know he wanted me to come back to the living, but I wish I hadn't left him there alone.... I go up to him and I lose control screaming and sobbing "Gaffer!! *sobs* Gaffer why!? Baby I miss you so much!! *sobs*. I grab my son's hand and I'm never planning to let go.  I hear footsteps approaching me..., but   I can reconize who it is.

North Wind Pov
      I work up the courage to talk to her. I try to grab her hand, but she quickly moved it away and I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my face. I look and see that my face has claw marks dripping with blood....I don't hate her for doing that..... wait...Gaffer told her didn't he.... good! I deserve everything horrible to happen to me for what I've done!

Snow's Pov
      Still being in denial... I hope this is a really bad nightmare...when am I waking up!! I heard everything that happened not even five minutes ago. That woman is Bigby's mother? Bigby told us she was dead, but why is she here!?... if she's here then is there a way to bring Bigby back!! I pulled out of my thoughts by hearing a sound and The North Wind backing up slowly with his cheek scratched and bloodied as Bigby's mother started growling approaching him. In a second she grabbed him by the collar of his regal clothes and started getting everyone's attention by screaming "WHAT DID YOU DO!? GAFFER TOLD ME HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!! EXPLAIN NOW!" I could she head tears in her eyes, but her eyes turned a blood red out of fury.

Winter's Pov
      I'm so furious!!! I'm about to slap him until he says "Ok I'll explain." He actually looks sad himself... ha... I'm not believing he is actually sad for what he did! He then says "Please it was accident and I'm not the only one to blame! Blame Ms. White over there, she's the one who got me aggitated in the first place...and..that's when I accidentally....hit Gaffer with a spell." I look at Ms. White and she is bawling her eyes as much as me. I approach her, I can tell she's scared over what North said, I say "You're Snow White aren't you?" And she responds through her tears "Yes *sniffle* why?" I tell her "My son wanted me to tell you that he loves you." As I say that my tears increase and her crying turned to sobbing as she falls on the floor saying "I... I love him too!!" She also asks me trying to hold back her sobs saying "How did you get here anyway Bigby told us you were dead?" That nickname brings back so many memories.... anyway, I tell her "Gaffer wanted me to come back here so I could tell you that he loves you." She then responds with "Can we do that again for him!" And I sadly respond with "I'm sorry I'm afraid it's not possible."  North then comes up to us saying "WHAT!? SHE'S THE REASON OUR SON IS DEAD! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE TO HEAR ANYTHING GAFFER MAY HAVE SAID ABOUT HER!?" I turn around to face North and yell back with "NORTH SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! SHE DIDN'T KILL OUR SON YOU DID! IT WAS YOUR TEMPERMENT THAT KILLED GAFFER AND IT WAS YOUR TEMPERMENT  THAT KILLED ME!!" He then gives me a shocked expression, I guess he forgot how I died. He then responds sobbing with "Winter... please!! I made a huge mistake twice I'll even admit, but I didn't mean too!!! Please forgive me!!"  I then respond with my eyes still blood red as before, "North I don't think I'll forgive you for this!" North then says "That's what Gaffer said."

North Wind Pov
      Winter's face looks shocked and replies with "What!? When did he say that!? North answer me!!" I say "He... said that right before I hit him with the spell....we were arguing and he said that exact thing." Winter then asks me "North what were you two arguing about?" And I respond with "You Winter, we...were arguing about you."


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