Chapter 41

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She was never brought anything to eat before the guards retrieved her that morning. Morana's stomach growled as she walked down the hallways. She did her best to ignore it.

She was curious to see what horrors awaited her in her first Trial. She expected them to be difficult. Amberlynn had most likely designed them to kill her. Morana clenched her fists at her sides. Amberlynn would be sorely disappointed.

The Throne room had changed. Lava no longer flowed from the ceiling. Lava didn't surround them anymore either. Everything had been filled it. The rest of room was the same. Morana glanced up. The High Lords stood up above. She almost thought they had never moved. She noticed the Horsemen were standing among them. Amberlynn lounged on her throne, Levan standing beside her. He looked bored.

Morana kept her eyes on Amberlynn as she walked forward. Amberlynn glanced at her, a smirk tugging at her lips. Morana refrained from scowling. She knew she looked like the walking dead. Amberlynn seemed to enjoy it.

"Hello, Mor," Amberlynn greeted, her voice sweet. "So nice for you to join us. I must say, I'm surprised you've held out for this long. You've definitely proven yourself useful. Maybe if you lose I'll find a better use for you. You'll be more help alive than dead, don't you think?"

Morana didn't respond. She kept her face blank.

Amberlynn's features darkened. "I said don't you think?" Amberlynn pinched her thumb and forefinger together. Morana gasped, feeling the pressure against her skull. It got tighter and tighter.

"Yes," she blurted out. Morana stumbled forward, lightly pressing her hands against her temples.

Amberlynn went back to her cheery self. She smiled. "So do I. Now -" she sat up -"I heard a rumor that your powers were based off that of a wraith's. Is that true?"

Morana frowned. "I wouldn't know."

Amberlynn pursed her lips. She rested her hands in her lap. "Well let's figure this out then. You can manipulate shadows, create and control ice, create and control shadow fire, manipulate people's minds, and..." Amberlynn locked eyes with her. She smiled. "You can shift into a Night Hound. Some of those sound familiar, don't they?"

Morana slowly nodded.

"Then the rumors are true. What an interesting choice on His Majesty's behalf. I guess it makes sense why you've been compared to Death itself. I mean, your powers are modeled after the creatures of death and darkness, it suits you. Which leads me into your first Trial. Have you ever fought a wraith, Morana?"

Morana's heart skipped a beat. She had never dared to fight a wraith. If she still had her powers, maybe she could win. But she was weak and defenseless. Amberlynn had turned her mortal, and no mortal would ever survive a minute against a wraith.

Morana swallowed and shook her head.

"What's the matter, Mor? Cat got your tongue?" Amberlynn crooned.

Morana scowled. "No," she said through gritted teeth, "I haven't had the pleasure of fighting one."

"Then it's your lucky day. Welcome to your first Trial, Horseman." Amberlynn laughed before snapping her fingers. She disappeared, Levan with her. They appeared up on the balcony with the other Lords. Amberlynn waved her hand, creating a thin, clear barrier between Morana and the rest of them. "Defeat the wraith and you win, it's as simple as that," Amberlynn called down to her.

Morana's scowled deepened. It wasn't going to that easy. Her heartbeat quickened. She was going to die. She wouldn't make it to the second Trail. She jumped at the sound of a metal gate opening. She turned to see a figure covered in a billowing, dark cloak drift between the doors. Morana froze, fear washing over her. Why did she think she could do this? Why did she think she could win? She wanted to curl into a ball and stay there. She couldn't save the Horsemen. She couldn't save herself. She couldn't save anyone. I'm not the one, she wanted to scream; I'm not the hero.

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