32. Interrogation

Start from the beginning

He opens the door and I step into the biggest house I've ever been in. But before I can even adjust to my surroundings, Walburga Black, Sirius's mother, steps in front of us. Sirius tenses up.

"Is this that Carly you were talking about?" she says and crosses her arms.

"Chloe," Sirius corrects.

"Whatever." She pauses, looking back and forth between me and Sirius. She looks at me and narrows her eyes. "Come with me."

My heart has never been beating faster. My legs are shaking and my palms are sweating. I exhale deeply as I enter a room with Walburga. Just as she was about to close the door do I realize that Sirius had been following us, but Walburga closes the door and locks it before he can enter.

I look around and find my self in a bedroom that looks like it hasn't been slept in. It must be the guest room.

Walburga snaps and I focus my attention solely on her. I already know what she's going to say. Why do I even bother?

"First thing's first. What's your name?" Walburga asks.

"My name is Chloe, ma'am," I say, putting my hands behind my back.

"Your full name."

"Chloe Brooklyn Reynolds." I wipe my hands on my jeans. This is off to an okay start.

"Mm. What are your job ambitions?"

"My plan is to be a healer after leaving Hogwarts."

"Where do you live?" Walburga leans against a wall and crosses her arms.

"I live in London with my mother, ma'am," I say. I try to be as formal as possible, despite the clothes I'm wearing. I didn't really have time to prepare.

"What about your father? Where is he?"

I was hoping that she wouldn't ask this. Ever since I found that picture at Christmas, I always tear up talking about Dad.

"He left when I was eleven. When I was twelve, I found out that he died in a car accident." I feel tears build up, but I decide to blink them away. I won't show her that I'm weak.

"A car, huh?" Walburga says. Oops. "That leads me to my last question: what's your blood status?"

I swallow hard. I know I could lie, but I've already given away that at least one of my parents is a muggle. I know that she would prefer me to be a halfblood than a muggleborn but what she wants is a pure blood. I can't lie.

"I- I'm a.... muggleborn," I peep.

Rage fills Walburga and she opens the door and stomps out. She finds Sirius leaning against a wall and barges up to him. Her face is inches away from his.


Sirius kept a straight face during her screaming fit. He must be used to this. Who am I kidding? I know he's used to this.

"Yes," he says plainly. "And I don't care."

Maybe if I hadn't been talking about my dad earlier, I would be able to contain myself better. But I can't help it. I start to cry. Partly because Walburga just called me a "mudblood", partly because of talking about Dad, and partly because I have heard of things like this happening in the Black house but have never witnessed it. Until now.

Just as I wipe away the tears rolling down my cheeks, I see a fifteen year old Regulus poke his head around the corner. He makes eye contact with me and turns to go back to where he came from.

Walburga turns around to face the wall. I walk over to Sirius and throw my arms around him. He wipes away the rest of my tears.

"Leave my house," Walburga says. "Both of you."

We walk out the door and come to a stop just before crossing the road. Sirius looks at me.

"That went well," he says sarcastically.



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Caitlin ❤️

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