Be My Love (Alec Volturi for kritinnmo)

Start from the beginning

Her blonde hair was pulled into a high bun. Her red eyes held no emotion.

"Jane." Edward said. I could sense his wearyness.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." Her voice was emotionless like her face. Filled with nothing but emptyness.

"Let's not keep him waiting." Demetri let out a little smirk.

Felix looked at us as if he was watching his prey.

Alice grabbed onto my elbow and led me down the never ending stairs, hallways and even an elevator. That had very cheery music given the fact we were being lead to our deaths.

Although this was no laughing matter. We could all very well die today if the leaders chose that as our fate.

On the way down the hallway we saw a receptionist.

"Jane." She grinned standing up and bowing.

She didn't spare a glance and she spoke. "Gianna."

Felix winked at her as she sat back down, giggling at the look he gave her.

Bella asked questions to Edward about why Gianna, a human, was there.

"So she wants to be a...." Bella trailed off to Edward before Demetri talked from behind us.

"And so she will."

Jane put in her few words.

"Or dessert." She responded snidely.

I stopped the gulp I had from surfacing. I had to admit Jane did have a certain Dracula quality to her, if there was a female Dracula.

She continued leading us done the hall until we got to gigantic doors.

Whatever happened behind those doors would seal our fate. If we lived (By some miracle) nothing would be the same. If we died nothing would be the same.

The thought of them going through that made my heart faultier.

Jane was walking ahead of us and Demetri and Felix were behind us.

2 vampires stood at the large double golden doors at the end.

Jane nodded once before the men opened the golden double doors and led us into a large room where I smelled many vampires.

Aro stood in the front of all of them, you could see how closely Aro focused on us. How much Cauis glared as he watched from his throne and Marcus looked like he couldn't care less.

Various Volturi gaurd's stared at us, mainly Bella and me.

Each had a differant shade of grey cloak. Jane's was a deep black dress, i loved the darkness of the color. I didn't really want to stare though. I have a feeling she wouldn't hesitate to eat me.

"Sister. They send you out for one and you come back with 2...... And to halves. What a clever girl." A deep voice said from near Caius, the blonde vampire.

Jane immediantly abandoned us as we walked into the middle of the large room. She walked up to a vampire that could be her twin if it wasn't for the brown hair on his head and for him being slightly taller. He was 16 at the latest.

He wore a deep black suit, the same color as Jane's. His scarlet eyes stared at her with an emotion i don't really know what to call.

His pale skin matched her's and she came up to him. I didn't even see him look in our direction.

His deep red lips smirked down at her 5'2 frame. His brown hair had an old Justin Bieber look to it, flopping just the right way.

He was at least 6' tall.

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