Levi x Reader LEMON

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WARNING if you do not know what a lemon is, it is a sexual content and R rated story between you and the Sexy Corporal Levi Ackerman (IF ONLY HE WAS REAL!!!!) but anyway you have been WARNED.

 Things you need to know:

(y/n)= your name

(l/n)=your last name

(h/c)=hair color

(h/l)=hair length

(s/c)=skin color


My name is (y/n),(l/n) and I am on my way to Corporal Levi's office and why you ask well let me tell you it is not all my fault horse face (Jean) is actually the one who started it he was trying my nerves and when he said something about (b/f/n) that drew the line and I dumped my bowl of soup all over him.....That is how it all started.

I giggled at the memory, so when Levi told me to be at his office at 7 sharp I knew by the tone of his voice he was not playing, which brings us back to know me walking to Corporal Levi's office. I am super nervous, I mean I have gotten in trouble before but this time I feel like something bad is going to come on me (wink, wink lol) from the Corporal. 'Calm down (y/n) he will probably just make you clean the horse stalls for a month of something, Yeah that has to be it' I reassured myself. So after a couple of minutes thinking about life I was here.

I took a deep breath 'Stay calm (y/n) everything will be okay' I knocked on the door, I was a little startled from the deep monotone voice from the other end of the wooden door "State your name and business." "C-cadet (y/n) (l/n) a-and you wanted t-to talk about t-the incident t-today." 'Curse my stuttering!' I mentally slapped my self but then interrupted "Enter." I gulped as I opened the door to see the Corporal sitting at his desk writing on some documents. "Sit" it was a stern and solid command "Straight to the point I see." I took a seat on the couch.

"Listen Corporal I will accept the punishment nice and easy, what is it cleaning the stalls, the mess hall for a month I will just do it." That is when I saw something new he was looking at me with a hint of amusement!!!??? Then I knew I had to be crazy he was chuckling "Oh, (l/n) I am going to give you a punishment but it is neither of those ideas, I have something more better in mind." He then stands up and walks towards me and leaned his face dangerously close to mine, I my (s/c) complexion shows 50 shades of red on my face "A-and w-what would t-that b-be?" "You don't need to know that." and with that my sight was gone, he blindfolded me.

"Now (y

) I am giving you a punishment but it is not for the food fight, this is more personal." 'What would that be!!?' The hair on the back of my neck stood up when he speaks again but with every word I can feel his lips graze my ear. "I am going to have you screaming my name with that cute little voice of yours ." "Wha-" I tried to ask what he meant but I was cut off by a pair of soft lips, I was surprised at first there was one part of me telling 'push him away don't let him do this.' While the other part of me is screaming 'YES, let him take whatever we had dreams about this for way to long!!!!' Well we only have one life so why not, I kiss back into the feverish kiss our mouths moving in sync with each other. But sadly from loss of air Levi pulled away leaving me a panting mess, he let's out a low chuckle and I can hear his footsteps walk around I was already aroused but to be honest the blind fold added the adrenaline.

His footsteps stop behind me, my heart was racing like it could break out of chest. On the blink of an eye I was swept of my feet. "Corporal where are we going?" *SLAP* "EEP!!" I let out a yelp of pain fro  the sudden jolt of pain that was made on my ass "You have no authority to ask questions during your punishment, brat." With that I was thrown on something soft, my face turned a deep red 'THIS IS HIS BED!!!!!!" While I was having my little fangirl moment in my head I didn't even notice that my blind fold has been removed and I could see Levi standing there with a amused smirk on his face as he started to stalk towards me.

He puts a gentle kiss on my lips, when he pulled away he removed his shirt showing his built chest and toned abs. "Now (y/n) your punishment starts now"

Part 2 will be coming soon I won't forget about you guys


Levi x reader LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now