(chapter1) The boy I know

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I opened my eyes and realized I was in a alleyway I started walking down it until I heard scream I paused and I started to run until I saw a strange figure in the shadows I heard a cry and realized there was a girl bleeding she was whispering " run..he's a monster...save yourself" the strange figure on top of the girl looked up and it was a boy with red glowing eyes that looked like hell fire.I wanted to scream when I saw the girls blood  dripping  from his mouth as I slowly backed away and started to run. I felt a gush of wind touched my back I quickly turned around and nothing was there until a beast with red eyes stared right at me and pounce. But after that everything went black until I heard a scream.

 I suddenly woken up in my bed I saw a notification on my phone saying someone followed me on Instagram. I open my phone and I realized it was him from the dream . And I knew he was from my school so I followed him back. The boy that followed me was really cute but I feel there's something weird about him. I got dress for school and I saw him I quickly said "hey Cole "! He was so cute "hey Alli"! We both started to walk to school together.  Blue hawks high school the drama school of it all me and Cole are sophomores .

As soon me and Cole waved good bye here comes my best friend Lola to question me about me and Cole. "Alli!" she ran over to me with all excitement " hey Lola whats up." She paused and looked at me like I was crazy. " Whats up are you serious you just talked to the most cutest boy in school and your saying sup!  She always would make me laugh when she freaks out over a boy that I talk to she means well but she thinks that I should be dating now but I always give her a pathetic reason why I don't date ." Lola Cole is my friend and nothing more ." She started getting a little annoyed when I said that she started to give me an evil eye and fold her arms together." You like him just amid it." I started to blush " HA! I knew it you do like him." I started to freak out and I started to chase her like a maniac " LOLA SHUT UP!" I ran passed Cole and I saw him waved at me and winked I started to  blush and waved back but of course I wasn't looking where I was  going I quickly bumped into Lola and we fell down on each other. 

We both started laughing when we fell until coach pam walk toward us we both knew we were in trouble " eh him brooks, lazuli my office NOW " uh oh when coach says my last name " brooks" I know I was in trouble.

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