Harold's Dilemma

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(HARRY and LIAM arguing in HARRY's kitchen. ELLIE, ZAYN, NIALL, PERRIE, DANIELLE, GEMMA, and STANLEY sitting in the living room watching a football game. Yelling over each other)

HARRY: “Well Liam when I said you could come with us I didn't think you would invite 50 people along with you.”

LIAM: “Sorry man, I sort of let it slip that we are going on a trip, but I didn’t think they would want to come as well and you know me I could not refuse”

HARRY: “Unbelievable. I cannot believe this is happening. I just wanted a nice, simple week-end with Lou, but now I have to spend it with all of you...dimwits.”


HARRY: "Stop listening to our fricking  conversation!"

LIAM: "I told you they could still hear us."

HARRY: (gesture wildly towards LIAM) "And who's fault is that Liam?"

LIAM: “Calm down mate, we are not going to be in your way. I promise.”

HARRY: “Yeah just like you promised it was going to be just us three?”

LIAM: (opens the fridge and grabs a gallon of milk) “Look if you didn’t want me to come, a simple ‘no’ would have sufficed.”

HARRY: (narrows his eyes) “I did say no. You lied to me. You said you were going to rent your own place for the week-end, but where are you now? In my fucking house (yanks the gallon of milk out of LIAM’s hand and set it down on the counter) raiding my goddamn fridge!”

LIAM: “God it’s just milk, calm your titties.”

HARRY: “Well get your own milk and your own goddamn beach house too while you are at it.”

LIAM: “I did look for one, none of them had a jacuzzi. Not like you and Lou’s anyway.”

HARRY: “It’s just a beach house Liam! Who cares if it does not have a jacuzzi?”

(LOUIS enters the kitchen, studies HARRY’s face, stands there for a few seconds before slowly backing out of the kitchen)

LIAM: (notices LOUIS, quickly pulls him back with a hand around the latter’s shoulder) "Oh no you don’t."

LOUIS: (sheepishly) “Hey guys, what’s...going on?”

LIAM: “Louis, can you please control your husband.”

HARRY: (aghast) "Excuse me? What do you mean 'control your husband'? What the hell do you think I am?"

LIAM: "Well umm what weren’t you, Hazza? I mean I love you and all, but lord you are so moody, a control freak, you're short-tempered, irritable, such a neat freak and your voice. Ugh it’s so hoarse all the time, it’s kind of annoying actually. (to LOUIS) I don't know how you survived this long, honestly."

HARRY: (appall) "I cannot believe you, Lou can you believe him?"

LOUIS: “No, no babe I--”

HARRY: (demands) “Make him stop talking to me like this.”

LIAM: (grabs an apple from the fruit basket and leaves the room) “Tsk! control freak”

HARRY: “Oh no you didn’t” (tries to run after LIAM just to be stopped by LOUIS who pulls him back by placing both his hands on each side of HARRY’s shoulders)

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