Happiness in Jeopardy

Start from the beginning

I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth & came out to see Nick coming into the room at that moment. He put his finger up to his mouth to hush me. "I snuck over after I heard Kevin's door shut." Nick scooped me up in his arms to plant a kiss on me. He sat me down on the bed, then pulled off his shirt as he eyed me.

"What are you doing?" I smirked.

As he undid his pants, he grinned. "Getting naked. You know I don't like to sleep in anything."

"You're not sleeping in here." I said, shaking my head.

Nick's hands froze on the waist of his pants. "What? Why wouldn't I sleep in here?"

"I don't want them to find out. We aren't telling anyone else, right? We agreed. Until a few months go by & we think it's safe." I slid myself back on the bed, then got under the covers. I motioned toward the door.

Nick's shoulders collapsed in defeat. "They won't know I'm in here." I smirked at his statement & then watched him as he coyly slid his pants down his legs. "We've had lots of practice being quiet."

"Fine." I sighed.

Nick got excited as he kicked his pants & boxers off, then climbed into bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around my middle & snuggled up against me. "Are you feeling okay tonight? Your voice was sounding raspy, earlier."

I sat up, took my underwear off & nudged Nick to lie flat on his back. I threw one leg over his middle so I could feel him in between my legs. Boy did I feel him. He was hard before I even sat on him. "We'll have to be super quiet. Especially to preserve my voice." I whispered.

Nick was groping me, moving his hips upward, slightly, as he bit his lip. He nodded, watching my face with a lust in his eyes. I pulled my shirt up over my head & tossed it. Nick licked his lips, so I had to press myself against him to kiss his mouth, seductively. I felt Nick's manhood hard against my leg, making me excited. It was going to be difficult being quiet. I reached down to hold Nick's throbbing cock, while I slipped myself onto it. I sighed from the feeling & Nick bit his lip a little harder than he did before. I moved in a slight circle as I took both his hands in mine, then pinned them to the bed. My circles got a little wider & faster & Nick grunted, quietly beneath me. I clamped my mouth shut to keep from screaming out from the pleasure. My breathing from my nose was pretty heavy, it was almost making me dizzy. As I gripped Nick's hands, I stared into his eyes, then switched my direction so now I was sliding up & down on his member. He enjoyed that, the way he squirmed, his hands tightening around mine. He arched his neck a little, as did I. I moved a little faster on his lap, making Nick's grunts sound a little more strained. When I looked at his face, his eyes were closed & his face was scrunched up in what looked like excruciating pain, but I know he was feeling immense pleasure right now. I could feel my walls tightening around him, forcing shallow growls to come from somewhere within Nick. I couldn't take it anymore, thinking I might pass out from holding my screams in. I let go, constricting around Nick & I thought for sure he'd yell, but he turned his head to bite the pillow next to him. Watching him bite & moan into this pillow was a turn on to watch as I moved my walls intentionally around him, sending shivers throughout my body. I was trembling, uncontrollably, gasping for air, finally collapsing on top of Nick.

I hoped we were quiet enough. I guess we'd find out in the morning. Nick held me, with my back to him, as I fell asleep. The sound of his cell phone ringing woke us in the morning, quite early. Nick reached for it, looked at it & rolled his eyes. He tossed the phone to his side then put his arms around me again. The phone stopped ringing, then a few seconds later, it rang again.

"It's Olivia." He groaned. "Be quiet. I'm going to put her on speakerphone." Nick put the phone on his chest, hit a button & took a deep breath. "Hello?"

"Are you with Demi?" Olivia asked in a nasty tone. My eyes were wide as I looked at Nick, who looked a little frightened, if I was being honest. We had discussed not going public with the breakups just yet.

"I'm on tour with her, but I'm not with her this very second." Nick lied, rolling his eyes & smiling at me.

"I saw you guys, at last night's show, on YouTube. You both looked.... um... what's the word? Oh... yea... cozy... enamored.... into each other.... you looked like there's something going on with you. Is there?" She was speaking loudly & I really hated her voice.

Nick swallowed, then cleared his throat. "What? Don't be ridiculous." Nick was pursing his lips in annoyance. "We're broke up, Olivia. Why are we even having this conversation?"

"Why?" She laughed, kind of evil, if you were to ask me. "Because if I find out you guys are together I will make your life a living hell. I will spin it to the press that you're a cheater & that she is a home wrecking whore. You will both be hated & bashed in Hollywood. No one dumps Miss Universe for an ugly, poor, little bullied addict."

I sucked in my breath, fuming as I sat up straight. Nick sat up as well, taking the phone & putting it up to his ear. "Don't you ever talk about her that way. You know nothing about her & whether or not I would date her, she is my best friend & I will not let you threaten me or her. Do not call me again." Nick pressed end & threw his phone on the end of the bed as he huffed. After a few deep breaths, he looked up at me, softening his expression. "I'm so sorry, Demi." He took my hand. "I can't believe she said that. I can't believe I was ever in love with her." Nick shook his head. "What the hell was I thinking dating her in the first place?"

I laid down on the bed, not saying a word. I took a few deep breaths. "She's threatened, Nick. She's about to lose her ticket to fame & fortune. She's about to be a nobody again. Of course she's going to lash out. I'm not taking it personally."

Nick, still shaking his head, laid on his side to face me. He kissed my cheek. "You're way too nice." I couldn't agree more. I was only being nice on the outside. On the inside, I wanted to kick her prissy little bony ass & annihilate her online. Don't mess with me & my 20 plus million followers, bitch.

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