Chapter 17

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I finally released a sigh of relief as we finally arrived at Bridget's room, fortunately avoiding gazes from Bergens.

Bridget then slowly takes off her colorful wig and places it into the dresser next to her bed. The flying trolls then flew away, finally breathing in fresh air.

I looked down as I then felt all my energy drain from me.

It's official, Creek is alive and I don't have any chance with Poppy now.

I looked at her as her friends surrounded her, smiling and laughing quietly as they all felt relief wash over them as they finally knew that their missing friend is alive.

I looked down at my hands as I felt guilt wash over me. Is it bad that I wished Creek was dead? Was it bad that I wanted him to never be found again, just so Poppy can still need me? How can I be happy now? Now that I know that Poppy will now forget about me, and love someone else?

I looked at Poppy, smiling widely at her friends. I felt a gentle smile tug in my heart.

It's okay, I'll be happy if she is happy.

I went back to the group and listened on their conversation.

"That was the greatest day of my life!
Thanks, Poppy- Thanks to all of you!" Bridget said as she looked down at The troll group, she then looked at me.

"Even you, I guess." She said, blushing slightly, knowing that I practically did everything for her.

"I just never thought something like that could happen to me." She said, and laid back on her bed.

"And it just did!" Satin said, squealing in the process, jumping up and down.

"I'm so excited I could just scream. " Bridget continued, sighing with a tone that love sick people do.

"Oh, I could scream too!" Biggie pointed as he looked at his friends happily.

"Creek is alive!" Poppy squealed, earning a happy Yay! From all of us, I yayed back but it came out like a dying seal's final cry.

"Branch, what's wrong?" Cooper asked, looking at me with worry, as do everyone in the room did.

"Nothing. I thought we were celebrating." I pointed, he looked at me flabergasted.

"That's your happy shout?" He asked disbelieving-ly.

"It's been a while." I replied, smirking.
"Well, you're gonna have plenty of practice,because we're gonna save Creek...and life will be all cupcakes and rainbows again." Chenille replied, throwing her arms in the air. I smirked lightly.

"Up top!" I exclaimed to Guy Diamond,  raising my hand in the air for a high five, he was about to do it when I quickly withraw my hands against him. I smirked triumphantly as he clapped at nothing.

"Too slow." I smirked, Poppy smiles a bit, her eyes glistening with joy.

"Yes! I knew it!" Poppy whispers to herself, loud enough to be heard by everybody, earning a betrayed face by none other than Guy Diamond himself.

It'll be okay, I know it will be.

I glanced back at Poppy's gentle face smiling lightly at Biggie's joke.

I will be happy if she is happy.

I didn't notice the pair of dark blue eyes look at me with concern.

(Hint:it's fauna)

"Okay, everybody...let's go save Creek." Poppy said, smiling proudly. I smiled back at her.

Broppy; Superior Inferior Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt