Chapter 17. B A C K.

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Dre POV~

"What? No 'welcome back' hug & kiss?" She said coming into my house wif her luggage.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa. What's wif tha luggage? Your not staying here."

"Come on, baby don't be like tht" she touched my face. Her hands started to slide down. I stopped her.

"I'm not your baby. I have a girlfriend. So you need to get out."

"Haa. Ik. It's ya dumbass babymama."

"Watch yo mouth, and how u know?"

"Hmmpph. I know everything" she laughed. "So. Your gonna leave me for her?"

"We were never together."

"What we had was special and you know it" she spat.

"What we had, was nothing. Like air. We couldn't feel it. Yeah we caught little feelings for each otha, but u moved and got wif otha niggaz. Df? If I was still on u, I woulda wife'd u. Obviously I'm still in love wif my babymama. Leave me be."

"So what if I was with other niggaz? I thought about u all the time." I looked at her upside ha head.

"Bye. U know tha way out." I said heading upstairs. Yeah, so I Fvcked wif her when I left Mimi. Buh then she went away too. She was fvckin other niggaz too. I'm glad she didn't give me any diseases. I cleared up my thoughts and went back to watching movies.

Sabrina POV~

Dre is gonna be with me. I'm not a crazy bitch, but ik it, he's gonna be with me, I can feel it. I have a plan, just to make it happen. Heheee.

Mimi POV~

Everybody came back to my house, we were gonna have a girls night, we took out nail polish, ordered pizza and wings, got a cake & cupcakes. Ion know why? But we just wanted to celebrate. Another victory for us in this life. We got all the blankets and pillows and set them in the living room, moved tha furniture back, got out all the games and were bouta ball outtt.

"Okay so we bouta play UNO right?" Keke asked. Jayla & YaYa were in YaYa's room playing princesses.

"Yaaaz. Naja, whatchu ova there smiling so hard for?" Minnie asked.

"Hehe Trey got ha whipped right about now." I laughed.

"Whatevaaaa",she rolled ha eyes and laughed, still staring down at ha phone.

"Is u playing or nah?"I asked her.

"Uhmm. Nah. I gotta get my pizza anyway"

"UNO, UNO OUT!!!" Leah said. She did a happy dance, we started laughing.

"Ight the game ain't ova yet. Keke yo turn." Keke threw down a green 3. I threw down a yellow 3. Minnie sucked ha teeth.

"Man. Why u gotta change the color?" She asked annoyed. I laughed evil-like. I stopped & looked at her.

"Bcuz I can."

"You are sooo weird" she laughed and threw down a yellow 8. The game went on, Keke lost.

"Mommy we sweepy" YaYa & Jayla came ova to me and Keke.

"Okaii, come here." We spreaded out a blanket wif 4 pillows on it. They laid on the 2 middle ones, the otha 2  were for me and Keke. They were out like a light.

"Okaaay. So everybody gather arounddd. In,a circle. Naja & Leah. Off tha phones until we done." They put their phones on their chargers and came into tha circle wif us. "Okay, so girl talk, somebody go."

"Okay. I'll go. I wanna thank yall for helping me get out of tht situation. I hated him tbh. Me & Ms Michelle were close, she was like anotha best friend. But I love yall =) & thank u. && also. Sis, I uhm have a boyfriend"

"Oh lawwwdddd" Minnie fell back. "Where his punk ass at?!"

"Minnie be quiet b4 u wake them up"

"Sorry, we'll talk about this l8r." She said lookin at Leah. She nodded. "Well since I'm going, uhm. Mimi, I like Nel." She sipped on her drink. I looked at her with my eyes wide asf.

"Well uhhmm. Can't really respond to that, but uhm, u can talk to him."

"I cantttt, I'm scared."

"Yesh u can."

"No I can't."

"Okay, then I'll do sumn." She nodded & sighed. "My turn right? So uhm. Lemme update yall on me & Dre. So we finally went on a date, I gave him a chance. It was a candlelit dinner on tha beach. Rose petals around tha table. Omg it was so pretty. && he made like a lil speech, mainly telling me he wants to be my man again. && I said yeshhh." They started screamin like crazy, well without waking up tha kids. "And he had chains made for me & YaYa. Mine says wifey, hers says babygirl." They all was sayin awwww. Bol oml.

"Awww that's soooo sweet. My turn?" Keke said. I nodded. "Well. Braun keep saying he wanna get back together with me and make shit work but he making it worse. && he shows he cares, but then he shows he doesn't. Like he got bipolar feelings for us. I just want him to come clean and say how he really feel. Yall know I love him. I would love to be with him. But he gotta straighten up and handle his bizness and responsibilities like a man. For Jayla's sake." She said.

"Amen to that.!" Naja said high-5ing Keke. "My turn? Well yall know what I got going on bol. Uhm. Trey seems sweet. He's nice, caring, & I gotta admit I was being too hard on him. But maybe this can go somewhere, ion know." She shrugged, while having a grin plastered on her face. We nodded and smiled & decided to watch sparkle.

"Waiit. What if they decide to take it to tha courts?" Leah said.

"We got evidence for u not to go back. Remember we got the security tapes & one of the best lawyers." Minnie said hugging her sister. "Everything will be alright."

And thts what we gotta believe, that everything is alright & will be alright. How long can we have tha Faith & believe? Idk. But we can't stop now. We gotta keep moving forward. For ourselves & our kids. Tha future holds so much, & we are capable of so much. We got this in tha palm of our hand. We just have to make tha right move.


Lmao u thought this was the end?! Nahh I was just playinnn. Bol sorry. Idk how many chapters our left but I got this.


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