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I ran to my house, out of breath when I reached my front door. I walked in and then into the kitchen where my mother sat. 

" Ma? "

" What is it Sandra? " My mom questioned annoyed crushing her cigarette into an ash tray on the table.

" I was kinda wonderin if I could go camp out in Vern's back field tonight "

" With who? "

" Vern... and his friends Chris, Gordie, and Teddy "

" I hope you ain't talkin about Christoper Chambers " 

"  Yeah, it's Christoper Chambers " my mother as well as the rest of the town thought Chris was just another trouble maker to add to the Chambers family.

" If you get into even the slightest bit of trouble Sandra Jane Parker, so God help me I will literally beat you and Christopher Chambers, do you understand? "

"  Yes Ma' am " I nodded my head and went upstairs into my room grabbing the things I needed, a sleeping bag, two dollars and fifty three cents, and of course my diary I kept it with me at all times except for at the tree house. I carried it around almost everywhere for two main reasons I was scared shitless that my older sister would take it and read it and two because I loved writing down what happened in my life it sounds idiotic but it was true. I left my room and into my sisters room. Wandering around I saw a nutty bar sitting on her white desk. I looked around making sure no one was there and then snatched the candy bar shoving it into my sleeping bag. I then strolled out of the room and I closed the door behind me quietly. 

" SANDRA! You were in my room weren't you? "I jumped then turned around to see my older sister.

" Oh shit... "

" Why you little... " I began to sprint down the stairs, I twisted the door knob open and out the door having no time to close it due to the fact my sister was right behind me.

" SANDRA IF I EVER CATCH YOU IN MY ROOM AGAIN I'LL HIT YOU SO HARD WHEN YOU WAKE UP YOUR CLOTHES WILL BE OUT OF STYLE " she shouted slamming the door shut. Jees whats up with older sister's and their rooms? 

I made my way down the side walk out of breath to where I was supposed to meet up with everyone. In the distance I could see the silhouettes of Gordie and Chris. I ran over.

" Hey guys " I smiled they stopped.

" Oh hey Sandra " Gordie grinned.

" So we headed to see Teddy and Vern? " I asked 

" Yeah " Gordie replied.

" You guys wanna see something cool before we go? " the two of us nodded and Chris made us follow him to the back of blue point diner. He looked around before pulling out a gun. The only cool thing I had brought was a nutty bar. Gordie's eyes widen as he stared in amazement.  

" Woah can I see it first Chris? " I requested. He held out the gun and I placed it in my hands.

" You wanna be the Lone Ranger or the Cisco Kid? "

I pretended to shoot it before answering " Lone Ranger for sure " I messed around for awhile before Gordie interrupted me.

" Come on Sandy let me have a go now " 

" Okay, okay here ya go Gordie " I handed it over to Gordie. I ignored the conversation the two had and focused my attention on the gun. Before I knew it Gordie had his hands on the trigger and pulled it. BAM.

" JESUS " We screamed running to the main road.

" What the hell was that Lachance? " I pronounced.

" Chris said it wasn't loaded didn't you hear him! Chris you wet head you lied to me! Now I'm gonna get into trouble she saw me"

" Shit Gordie she thought it was cherry bombs "

" I don't care Chris "

" Yeah Chris that was pretty screwed up of you " I remarked.

" You guys! I didn't know it was loaded, honest. Would this face lie? "

I rolled my eyes " Fine, you swear then? " 

" Yeah I swear " 

" On your mother's name "Gordie added.

" Yeah " 

" Even if she goes to hell cause you lied " he added again.

" YEAH I swear!! "

" So you pinky swear? " I asked putting up my pinky.

" YES " he crossed his heart, kissed his pinky, and held it up.  I tried looking angry but I couldn't after all Chris told Gordie that it wasn't loaded not me and he didn't know it was loaded so I guess it wasn't his fault. 

" Damn it Christoper Chambers I can't stay mad at you " 

Chris grinned. " No one can stay mad at Christoper Chambers, I'm just to good looking " he joked.


Thank you for 100 reads you guys! Sorry I posted this late I just wasn't in the mood to write anyways I'll upload again tomorrow on this book as well as my other book " Just a Summer " Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Chambers Kid | CHRIS CHAMBERSWhere stories live. Discover now