Larry jumped in. "James is in lock up and will be for a little while longer."

"You know where I am if you need me." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "Be careful."


Meryl was washing her hands after using the restroom when Peggy and Harry emerged from the big stall at the end. Meryl took a deep breath as she dried her hands and tried to ignore her; but Peggy wasn't going to have any of that. "Look Harry, it's the bitch that took Daddy away from Mommy."

"Unfuckingbelieveable." Meryl hissed as she tried to leave but Peggy stepped in her way.

Peggy shook her head. "It's just us; finally. So what tactics did you use to take Don away from me? Does he really not believe about your numerous affairs?"

"I have NEVER cheated on my husband; and I NEVER will." Meryl exploded. "I don't know how many times I have to say this but I love and adore MY husband; he is my ONE and my ONLY. I met him OVER 10 years after he divorced your pathetic ass!"

Peggy shook her head. "He should have been mine again. Everything would have worked out perfectly if only Mann was smarter and quicker?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Meryl asked as she started feeling really hot and dizzy and was struggling for breath a little bit.

Peggy shook her head. "You think Kevin Mann was just some obsessed stalker? James and I pointed him in your direction. Told him what to do and what to say. He was supposed to take you and your bastard children away forever. So that I could be with Don and disguise my relationship with James. For 2 Yale graduates; you two are pretty dense."

"You and James pointed him in our direction?" Meryl asked breathlessly. "You're why I was raped? Why our little boy was frightened? Why my husband almost died? Why I was mutilated so badly that I still can't be with my husband?"

Peggy headed towards the door. "Get some damn control, Meryl; you acting like you can't breathe isn't going to work on me. We did Don a favor by you not being able to spread your legs; maybe you won't cheat on him for awhile. I hope Mann did what he was supposed to and damaged you so badly that you can no longer give Don what he needs; and I'll be waiting to give him EXACTLY what he needs."

"Oh, God." Meryl gasped for breath as she leaned against the wall in the bathroom and Peggy walked out. "This is going to kill Don."


Don was talking to Larry and Mike. "Well, Mom knows about their affair so hook her and reel her in like you did James. I know she has a son, I'm not unfeeling towards that, but it's time they both pay. She's fucking delusional thinking Meryl took me away from her!"

"Mention her affairs in your short marriage?" Mike asked.

Don nodded. "I honestly don't care about her; she has hurt my wife and family too much. I'll already have to answer Meryl's questions about the things that were brought up with James this morning."

"She doesn't know about Peggy's affairs and those things with James?" Mike asked.

Don shook his head. "I divorced Peggy long before I met Meryl that I didn't bring it up."

"Meryl knows that she doesn't know everything about James." Larry said as Don gave him a look. "She loves you and worries about you; we talk."

Don laughed. "I'm sure you do. Speaking of my wife, she's been in there for awhile."

"She's pregnant." Mike laughed. "It's normal."

Don laughed until he saw his ex-wife approach him. "I DON'T want to hear it."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now