Ghost boy x reader

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Y/n signed in relief, g/p final brought in the last box. G/p looked around the dusty room g/p now sat in. The dingy setting seemed all to calm, as if the very air itself was hold its breath waiting for something to happen. Of course nothing did, what would happen? Some thing leap at g/p from the shadows? No, that is impossible. G/p shook her head trying to rid themselves of these thoughts, stood up and made ready for bed.
As y/n sat brushing g/p hair, g/p zoned out thinking of things of the past few weeks. Moving out, final down pay for the house, promotion, a man staring at her from the mirror, a good cardio workout..... wait A MAN!?!? Y/n snapped from g/p thoughts as g/p stared at the figure in the mirror, young features, blue eyes, blond hair made themselves know from behind g/p. The figure waved a little and smile almost distracted from the bullet hole in his neck still looking only minutes old.. he opened his mouth to speak but before words could be heard, he vanished. Y/n looked around, part of g/p hoping that he had not really been there and g/p was losing g/p mind, and another wanting to really know that g/p saw what g/p saw. 'I'm tired, that's all there are no vanishing men in my home.' G/p slightly more confident made g/p to g/p bedroom. Laying down g/p feel asleep almost instantly.

??? P.o.v

Im such a fool!!! Why did I think that would work?!? I don't have enough energy to try to appear to g/p again I'm going to have to wait. Again... I sat down on the side of g/p bed looking at g/p peaceful face, void of the stress it normally carries. I wish g/p look more relaxed normally g/p looks so much more (beautiful/handsome) like this. I gave a sigh before speaking, know g/p will not hear me." I'm sorry if I've frightened you, it's been so long sense someone has been here, I've missed the company, I hope you won't be frightened, I promise I will protect you." I leaned down closer to g/p wishing I could feel, g/p looked so warm." I love you sleep well my dear..." I pressed my lips to g/p forehead.... please don't run when you see me again... please.

Part 1
That's done stay tuned for more because I will write more... yeah that's right you thought this was a one time sort of story? No I'm making it longer!!! Look for ChubbyHoneyBee if you don't like mine or even if you do check theirs out!! It's currently 11 pm and I'm sick of life! Goodnight children!!!!

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