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Stella's PoV

The Mansion was creepy and old, very old by the looks of the low sunken roof, the cracked dirty windows and the squeaky porch steps that lead to the chipped door.

 I will never understand why my mother would drag me to live in such an old, creepy house in the middle of an old creepy neighbor hood on the outskirts of town.

 Why couldn't we have stayed in our little apartment with central airflow in the middle of town that did not have creepy neighbors?

 I think of one word that determined us living here, one word that can be as annoying as can be helpful. The one that determines most things in my life, like what I am to be behave like, what i'm not allowed to do and where I'm going to live.


 Mom's career had finely taken off, and I am happy for her but why did she have to pick the oldest, dustiest house on Creepy Lane? I have no Idea. If I had been in her position, I would have chosen to stay in our little apartment until we had the money to buy a better house closer to the heart of the city. Sure, our little apartment was cramped with just mom and I but it was homey and I wouldn't have traded it for anything and certainly not for this dump.

 I slipped out of the car door, headphones in and backpack slung over my shoulder as I shuffle toward the door. Toward my new house, though I don't think I would be calling it my home anytime soon.

 I shuffled my converse covered feet over the cracked sidewalk to stand at the foot of the stairs looking up at the two-story house in front of me. Goose bumps rose on my arms. I tried to rub them away but to no avail, they will not go away until the creepiness of this house goes away and I don't think that will ever happen.

 I hesitantly put my foot on the first step, testing my weight before I step putting my full weight on to the board.


 I feel my eyes bulge as the wood beneath my foot collapses in on its self. I shrieked jumping backward knowing I would surely fall on my butt.

 I cringe, waiting for the shock of hitting the ground to radiate up my spin in eye watering pain, but something strange happens. Somehow, all I end up doing is stumbling backwards a few feet before I regain my balance, but it felt strange. It felt like someone's hands where steadying me.

 I look behind me, pulling my ear buds out, but the only thing that is there is my mother who is unloading a box.

 Stella! Come help me please! My mother demands huffing with all her effort, I cast a confused look  back toward the house before I stride to my mom.

 I grab the heavy box with ease and make my way to the house. Making sure to miss the first step and looking over my shoulder again Still feeling the lingering touch of hands.

Trying to shake the feeling, I go to the front door. It hangs at an odd angle letting in the cold of the outside. I set the box down and push open the door.  Walking in to the entryway the pungent smell of old wood, and mildew hit me. I look around noticing that once a very long time ago this place was every beautiful; but it also looked as though it hasn’t been lived in years.  Cobwebs cover almost every inch of the house.

Again the thought comes to me "What was my Mom thinking when she bought this dump?"

I hear a noise from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I see my mom coming from the car with another box. 

Standing right next to me my mom says "Isn't this awesome! It has so much potential."

"Aha.” Is all that I could manage to say. 

"And now you can have you own art studio!" She said enthusiastically 

Sighing I said “Yeah umm.... that will be nice." 

She smiled. Seeing her optimism I couldn’t help but smile too. 

After we brought everything from the car in the house, I decide to go snooping around.  On the main floor, there is a small living room with a fire place. Next to it is a very outdated bathroom.  In the hallway was a hall closet and taking a left from the stairs is a huge library. Every inch of the room is covered in books. I can’t help but gawk at the vastness of the selection of books as I skim my fingers on the spines of the leather books.

“I defiantly will be spending some time in here." I said aloud. 

"I knew you would like it."

Spinning around I see my mom standing in the door way with a knowing smile.

“I could spend forever in here reading" I say looking around in wonder. Light streaming in from the long windows catches the golden writing on some of the books making me smile.

"Well, you can later. I am going to order some pizza for dinner do you want your usual?" She asks.

"Hawaiian, that sounds great. Thanks mom." Until then I hadn’t realized I was so hungry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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