New Arrivals

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Vincent's PoV

I sat in the window seat, like any normal day looking out over the fields and plains that stretch out far behind my empty house.

However, I know today wasn't a normal day. Today the new owners would move in and I will be forced to live with their habits.

Sighing I get up from the comfortable cushion and pad down the hallway toward the stairs, except my foot steps don't echo off the walls. They have not for years and won't ever again.

I touch the handrail at the top of the rickety steps, but my hand goes right through it. My mind wonders back to when I was just a young boy. I remember feeling the wood when it was just newly sanded. The faint voice of my mother calling me down for breakfast. "Vincent !" I snap back to the real world. I skim down the stairs. My feet haven't felt the smooth wood in years. Since that last morning that I stumbled from my bed and down the stairs almost too sick to hold myself up. Hours later I was no more.

The thought depresses me. The thought that it's been years since I've felt the wood beneath my feet, felt the sun on my back or the wind ruffle my hair. The thought that I am and forever will be a ghost.

I walked past the front door on my way to the library. The door didn't fit right anymore. It hung crooked letting light seep through along with a slight breeze. The draft came drifting throughout the corridor. It made an eerie noise throughout the house.

Taking a left into the library I saw Clyde my very annoying roommate and my only friend lying about doing nothing... as usual. Clyde sat up looking depressed and started moaning.

"What are you doing that for? It gives me a headache." I said.

"How could you get a head ache, Vince? You're a ghost, You can't feel ANYTHING!" he retorted back. His already black eyes go darker with irritation.

"Well, it's annoying! Stop it!"

"Well I have nothing else to do. I'm bored," he said plopping back down on the sofa.

"Well, do something then." I snapped.

He glared at me.

"Fine then." He huffed and left.

 A gust of wind rushed through the house along with the sound of the front door slamming closed. Though neither of us could feel or really touch things we still could interact with the world in our own way, like moving stuff if we willed it to. I knew he wouldn't be back for room a couple of days now that he was mad. He's had a temper as long as I've known him and I've known him awhile.

Annoyed I decided to read my favorite book for hundredth time, The Count of Monte Cristo.

Going to the farthest wall in the library I walk right through. Behind the book case was a small room. My room. It was my sanctuary that not even Clyde knew about. I had my stacks of books everywhere along with a chair and a small desk covered with papers. Sitting down I thought about how much time would probably spend here in the near future.

Hours probably passed until I decided I needed a break. I was walking down the hallway when a car door alarmed me that the new owners were here. I hurry to the window placing a ghostly hand against the glass I peer out.

The door on a red SUV opens and someone jumps out and walks toward the house stopping. My breath catches in my throat.

A girl my age with reddish blond hair stands staring at the house in disgust. I glare. She doesn't like the house. I look her over.

She wears tight jeans, a plaid shirt and converse. Her hair in a side braid. She adjusts the backpack strap on her shoulder frowning her pale lips. Her fair skin covered in freckles.

She walks toward the house. Placing her foot on the first step she tries her weight to see if it would break. She steps forward.


She leaps back about to fall. In an instant I am at her side. I steady her till she regains her balance. She turns staring straight at me. I hold my breath not moving a muscle. With a confused look she turns towards her mom. I back away quickly.

So many questions ran through my head. Who is she? Why did I just do that? Did she see me? But the one that stuck out was how was I able feel her and nothing else?

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