•--Cold as Ice--•

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  "Sammy?? SAMMY!"
Thunder clapped like a black steed racing across a field of glass.
"Cas! Someone, please!"
Shadows melted into the rain, solidifying into human shapes for seconds, but then retreating into blobs of void.
"Somebody... please..."
Dean lay in the middle of the open field, no trees, mountains, or anything. Cold rain pelted onto him, seeping through his clothes and freezing his bones.
His emerald eyes fluttered shut, as hot blood from his body mixed with the bone- chilling rain. Lighting struck only a few feet away, zig zagging through his eyelids.
"Dean, are you feeling ok? Dean?"
A deep voice broke through the rain, and it slowly dissipated into a thick fog. Dean opened his eyes to find a pair of ocean- blue ones staring at him. Cas breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally. Dean, I have checked your temperature and confirmed you are sick." Cas said, wiping the sweat coating Dean's forehead.
"It was a dream?" Dean asked. His heartbeat dulled to a thud as he realized the nightmarish scene was only a figment of thought.
  Castiel looked back at him, a packet of Ramen noodles frozen in his hand. "Yes. Whatever was it you were dreaming about, it was fake." Cas poured the noodles into a cup of hot water, and placed it on the mahogany table beside his bed.
  "Now, I shall stay home from classes to take care of you!" Cas grinned, and Dean groaned quietly. "But you need to-" He was cut off by a rather forceful spoon of soup shoved into his mouth. Dean's tongue blistered from the hot beverage, but he ignored it. Castiel's hand was only a centimeter from his face. He resisted the urge to hold it, and scolded himself for wanting those longings.
  "Now, The Exorcist or It?" Cas asked, holding up two familiar DVDs. It was late October, and the wind outside rustled the golden, maple, and brown leaves. They had been in school for a while now. "The Exorcist." Dean murmured, given up on trying to convince Cas he was fine.
Castiel popped the circular disk into the tray, and the opening scene flashed onto the TV. Cas sat on the floor next to Dean's bed, his head resting on his palm. The two watched the movie loudly, Dean complaining hoarsely about the special effects and Cas trying to stop him from over- using his throat. The two finally fell asleep during the last couple scenes.
Cas slowly opened his eyes, the dorm room looking distorted and murky. He blinked away the sleep to see he had fallen asleep on Dean's chest. His face turned a scarlet shade of red, and he abruptly stood. Dean has a boyfriend, he thought, and I have Anna. However, he still found himself thinking of the rising and falling of Dean's chest, his warm skin, and his sparkling emerald eyes.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll make another on Wednesday! Also, I may add some Sabriel, or Bobellen~

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