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Welcome to Ask Alice. A book that will be completely honest with no strings attached. In this book Twilightpandalover and/or lameteen14 will review your books. If you want your book reviewed just fill out the form and we'll be happy to help.



Author name:

Love interest:


What specifically do you want reviewed? (Cover, plot, character development, everything, etc.)

Just an FYI there will be no tolerance for bullying. We are just giving honest opinions. Make sure that the book we're reviewing is your own work. That way we don't have to deal with authors being upset because there was no permission given to review their book. We will rate everything on a scale of 1-10. And please be nice when reading your own, or someone else's review. That will be all and have a great day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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