When it all ended

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The day came that I was hoping would never happen. He got a girlfriend, and it wasn't be. Although I wished it was. I felt like he had lead me on. I was heart broken, even though we were only friends. I avoided him because I didn't have the heart to face him. I slowly stoped liking him and began to like someone else.
The new guy I liked was always around me. We hung out all the time. We were in the same group of friends. All of our friends were always trying to get us to start dating. But weeks went by and we never did.
Until the day of the homecoming football game. He asked me out and I said "yes". I was so happy when I was around him. He made me feel loved. He met my parents that night and introduced himself. He was so respectful. We went to the homecoming dance the next night and that's when he kissed me. My first kiss; it wasn't so great haha. But who's is, am I right?
Weeks, days, hours,minutes and seconds all went by. I never once thought about the first guy anymore. I was always thinking about my boyfriend. I mean why would I need to think of anyone else but him. He's the one that is making me happy right now. He is the one who is here for me when I need someone. He is the one who puts the smile on my face when I didn't want to smile.

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