Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of glass breaking. 

Automatically my mind went to the wolf. 

"Sigh, please let it be a glass and nothing else". 

I got out of bed and opened her door a crack to see what was going on. 

There was a person in black struggling with the wolf. 

The person was holding onto a bleeding arm and they had a knife in the other. 

I rushed out of my room grabbing the first thing I saw closest to me.

A vase. 

I took it and swung it with all my strength hitting the intruder in his head, twice. 

He dropped like a rock. 

"I hope he's not dead".

 I knelt down and felt for a pulse. 

He was still breathing.

 I hurried over to the phone to call the police and Frank, but then I remembered the wolf. 

Crap, can't call the police. 

"Hello". Frank, it's me.

 "Are you okay"?

 No, somebody broke into my house. 

I'm on my way now, do not call the police. 

I figured you would say that so I didn't. 

Where's the person now?

 On the floor unconscious in my living room. I hit him over the head.

What about the wolf?

 He has a cut from what I can see and it's bad he's going to need stitches, I said moving the quilt I had pressed to the cut to examine it. 

She was so focused on the wolf that she didn't notice someone else was creeping up behind her.

 "Are you sure there's no one else in the house besides you three, asked Frank"? 

There was a long pause on Alisa's end and then Frank heard a gunshot.

 "Damn it"! God, I hope I'm not too late. 

I was talking to Frank when I noticed Sam's whole body tense up at whatever or whoever it was behind her. 

I knew then and they we weren't alone.

 It wasn't completely dark because of the light from the television but the living room was dark enough that she could use it to search around on the floor in front of her for something to use as a weapon. 

Her fingers bumped into what felt like a piece of glass, she wasn't sure but she didn't care either way. 

She waited until she believed the person was close enough and lunged from her crouch position and swiped at the person, who in turn fired the gun at her. 

The intruder yelled dropping the gun holding onto his arm groaning. 

"You bitch"!

 He lunged at her and she quickly scrambled backward trying to get him as far as possible from the injured wolf as possible. 

She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the wolf creeping up behind him before going for the back of the man's foot and biting down taking him down. 

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