Chapter 2

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"Can they see us?" I ask her looking at all of the people walking around. Christine shakes her head.

"Then how do I know who's a spirit and who's not?"

"You just." Christina starts but pauses and thinks for a moment. "We just kinda feel it. Like that girl over there." She says pointing to a girl on a bench. "Isn't dead. But the guy next to her is."

"So you just feel it?" I ask confused and Christine nods her head. I spot Miles on a bench. "I'm gonna go talk to him." I tell her and start walking towards him. I hear him groan as he spots me but I ignore it.

"What do you want?" He asks his cold voice making me shiver. He raises a cigarette to his mouth which I immidienly pull away and throw on the floor, smashing it with my foot.

"We are meant to fall in love. I want to get back to my family and you wanna get back to your hoes, I suppose, so we might as well start talking." I demand and he laughs, not the kind of laugh that you would hear after you told a funny joke, a laugh that would make you freeze on the spot, the laugh bullies make when spotting their victim. A laugh which shows he knows he's got power.

"Listen Blondie..."

"Annastasia." I correct

"Whatever. We might as well start planning out funerals 'cos there is no way I would ever fall in love with you. You're pathetic, ugly, plain and I'd rathere stay here forever." He snaps and I feel tears in my eyes. No. He's not winning this. I blink back the tears as fast as they came and look him in the eye.

"If you're staying then so am I. Guess you won't be seeing your hoes." I say keeping my voice strong. But this way neither of us can win. He glares at me one last time and I turn away and walk towards Christine shaking my head. Even thought I'm not here long the sun is already starting to set. I yawn as I stand in front of Chris.

"Soo where do we sleep?" I ask stretching my hands over my head.

"Wherever." She answers and starts walking. I jog up to her confused.

"What do you mean? Don't you have like sleeping quarters for the dead or some shit?" I ask and she laughs.

"Come on. No one can see us. 5 star hotel rooms. Empty penthouses. Not empty penthouses. I was thinking the Bonjour hotel." She says running towards a bus stop. A bus stops at the bus stop as an elderly lady comes off. Chris jumps onto the bus and I follow. We both run upstairs and take our favourite on the back row. I sigh as I look out the window into the Orange and pink sky. Me and Chris took the bus often when we went to the shopping centre. We would laugh at the random people doing stupid things like one time we were riding the bus and one women was getting so close to the driver and her dress barely covered her ass.

Soon we were nearing the bus stop and we ran off the bus. The grand 5 star hotel stands in front of us. I've never been here. I probably can't even afford to look through the window but Chris doesn't seem to have a problem with that as she pulls me inside. There is no one at the front desk so Chris pulls a drawer open and takes out a key laughing at me.

"Which room?" I ask walking towards the elevator and pressing the button waiting for it to come.

"Top floor suit." She answers giggling as I stare at her wide eyed. I look at the door one last time before getting on the elevator and there stood Miles searching for a key. You would seriously think they had better security at this place. I pull Chris into the elevator and start pressing the top floor button.

"Wow. Chill. You look like you've seen a ghost." She laughs and I raise and eyebrow at her. "Ok bad joke sorry." I shake my head as the door starts to close but not quickly enough because Miles slides in at the last second. Fuck.

"Rapunzel." He says nodding at me. "Christopher." He nods at Christine.

"It's Christine you motherfucker." She growls.

"Unless you're my Flynn Ryder don't you fucking dare call me Rapunzel." Out of the corner of my eye I see Chris hold in a chuckle. "Or I might get my frying pad and stuff you in a wardrobe." Miles smirks at me. Ok I might be a little bit overprotective over Disney. But Tangled is fucking amazing. I glance at Miles keys out of curiosity. Room 199.

"Wanna keep me company tonight? I guess I could settle for 1." He says when he noticed me looking at his keys. I press a button for the elevator to open on the next floor. As soon as the doors opens I punch miles in the jaw as hard as I can and push him out of the elevator.

"Have fun walking up the stairs, sucker." I say and Chris looks at me shocked.

"Since when have you become so confident? My best friend hardly talked unless someone needed to be put in their place." She says smiling at me and giving me a high five.

"Since you left everyone started to become so much annoying I had to be put in detention a few times." I say and Chris raised her hand to high five me and we did our hand shake. The boys weren't the only ones that could do it.

The elevator stops and we both get out. Room 250 stands before us. The only room on this floor. Christine opens the door to the most beautiful vintage living room. The main colours are white and blue. White for the furniture while there was blue on the carpet and on the sofa and anywhere else. A grand staircase is on the right side of the room and I run up it. "Dibs on the best room!" I shout whilst opening doors until I find a room that I like. A king size white vintage bed stands on the left side of the room, a vanity table on the right side with a large mirror. There is a door next to the bed which I assume is the bathroom. A large baby pink furry rit lays on the floor matching the douvet. But the thing that I loved the most was the large balcony with huge window showing the amazing view of the city. The sun was just setting behind the grey towers. Chris comes into my room.

"My room's just down the hall on the left." She says stretching her hands above her head. "I'm going to sleep."

"I'll miss you." I say changing into some clean clothes we picked up before coming here. I turn to Chris pulling my hair into a ponytail. She stares at me confusion clear in her eyes. "When I wake up and I'll be at home." I say jumping under the covers.

Chris sighs and looks on the floor. "Yeah. I hope you do." I barely heard the sentence as if it wasn't for me to hear. As if it was to somehow reasure her. I hear the door click close and my eyes fall heavy with sleep.

Nearly DeadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon