Chapter 4 part 1

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Back in Ithaca everything was not so good. A few years have gone by since I saw Erricka and Francheska. How did I meet Francheska you ask? Well, I'll tell you the whole story. It's not good.
During the last 2 years things have changed a lot and not in the best way. My father grew very angry with me and left Ithaca for 2 months. No one knew where he went. My mother was so heart broken and angry, she locked her self in her bed chamber and refused to see any one. It was just me and Telemachus now.
My brother was turning 21, and was soon to be married to Nausica, daughter of king Alcinous. That day was coming, and I was dredding it. I couldn't let Telemachus leave me.
Everyday I would pray to Erricka, and everyday she would come to me and help me sabatash Telemachus' and Nausica's wedding day. Finally they had enough of our antics and left just like that.
2 months later king Odysseus came home and everyone was so happy except me.

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