What he is capable of

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We've seen the devil face to face,

We've lived through Hell itself,

And though no man is completely good,

I now wonder what he might be capable of.

Would he take us out?

Would he leave us alone?

Would he forgive?

Would he finally speak what has been left unsaid?

Nothing can be as bad as the devil,

And yet I'm afraid his loss would hurt even more

Then not having met him at all.

I wonder what would happen to us,

If we are abandoned once more,



Uncared for...

If this is how loss is felt,

I'm afraid I am unable to give a proper farewell.

I understand their pain,

I understand our ache,

But I continued to pray,

And pray,

And beg,

That this stress can eventually rest.

Daddy dearest, you're the best,

Not a single one can defend

The actions that led to this set

But please, I ask of you

Don't leave us, you're the best.

Tiny Poems And Other Things Thatcome To My Mind When I'm On The StreetWhere stories live. Discover now