Chapter 10: First Kiss

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•Annie's Pov•
I woke up the the sound of my phone buzzing. I had a look at it, just the mysterious caller again. I sighed and unlocked my phone and went into my messages to read it. It said "If you're hanging out with Hayden today, don't bother. I will hurt someone precious to you. Don't even try me, I will know if you hang out with him. I am watching you, you'll never figure out who this is. Don't tell anyone about me again, I know you told your brother and sister!" I sighed and was tempted to reply but I didn't, I've had enough. I feel like today I must tell Hayden and apologise to him, he doesn't deserve this. I looked at my phone again 8:30am. I was the only one awake, I groaned getting out of bed. I searched my suitcase for an outfit to wear, I finally settled on a black top that has holes around my shoulders with blue jeans and my white converse shoes. I walked into the bathroom and got changed. Once I had gotten changed, I brushed all of the knots out of my hair and left it out. I then brushed my teeth, now all I need is everyone else to get ready. I sat on the edge of the bed and turned the tv on quietly. I heard my mom and dad start to wake up. They took turns using the bathroom to get ready. Once they were both ready, mommy woke Caleb up. We let Hayley sleep in for awhile, we don't want her to be grumpy. At 9:30am, Daddy decided to wake Hayley up. Caleb had just finished getting ready, so Hayley has the bathroom to herself.
•Hayley's Pov•
I was very grumpy that daddy decided to wake me up. But it is 9:30am already so that explains why, we will leave to go out for the day soon. All I know about today is that we're seeing Hayden and Jimmy today. I hope Annie will be okay. It's time to go to breakfast and I'm gonna vlog. I take the camera off of the bench and we all walk outside of the hotel to McDonalds down the street, we're meeting Hayden and Jimmy here. I pressed record and as we walk to Maccas, we went inside and Hayden and Mr Jimmy already had gotten two tables for us. I gave the camera to mommy so she could vlog us.
•Annie's Pov•
I've decided that I will tell Hayden but not just right now. I will do it later when we're alone. I walk inside and go over to the booth Hayden is at, everyone else sits at the one with Jimmy. I was confused. I sat down beside Hayden and he grabs my hand gently, I smiled. He whispered "We're sitting here by ourselves. We're mature. Right Julianna?" he winked and I rolled my eyes playfully. I wasn't the biggest fan when people called me Julianna but when Hayden did it, it was cute. I think what he is saying is that we're on a date? I nodded "Yeah I guess so and its Annie by the way" I giggled "It's Julianna" he said smirking, trying to annoy me. But in an adorable way, of course. "Okay fine" I smiled at him "So what are you ordering today, Jules?" Okay again, I'm not the biggest fan but he's too cute. "Probably a hash brown and a bacon and egg burger" he nodded "I'll be right back!" he hops out of the booth before I could even say a word. He walked over to the cashier happily and placed our order. He handed over the money and came back with our food. "Aren't you a gentleman? Thank you" I smiled and took my food, I scooted over and he sat in the booth. I ate most of my food when I became full, he could tell by the look on my face "I'm guessing you're full?" He chuckled and I nodded. He took the rest of my burger out of my hands, gently and ate it. "You got a little something there, Annie" as he pointed to above my lip. I was about to grab a napkin when Hayden leaned in and kissed me on the lips. He smelt like a fresh summer breeze, I felt like I was at the beach. "I don't think I got all of it.." he smirked and kissed me again, I blushed. "Well aren't you adorable?" he chuckles at my reaction "You like that don't you, Jules?" I tried to play it off cool "Eh, it's alright.." I bit my lip "Aw, come on. You liked it" he said smiling and I nodded in agreement. "Want another, babe?" Wait am I his girlfriend now? Why do boys have to be confusing? But that's why I love him. Why's Hayden too cute? Omg this is my first kiss! "Sure, why not?" I smirked playfully and he continued kissing me all over my face. Luckily nobody else had noticed yet. He whispered for me to go to the bathroom, he dragged me into the men's bathroom "Wait here, bubs" he went into a cubicle. It felt a little odd to he waiting in here. A young guy, about the age of 13 came in and looked me up and down. He walked closer to me and pushed me against the wall. I was scared. I tried with all my mite to push him off, but I couldn't. I tried to speak but all I could do was mumble "H-hhhaaayy.." he was scaring me "Sshh" he said and started kissing my jawline and lower and lower, I felt uncomfortable. Finally Hayden came out and he let me go. I ran over to him bawling my eyes out "Hayden, help me. He kissed me!" he pulled me into a hug tightly "Ssh it's okay, Jules. I got you now" he kissed my forehead and asked me to go outside for a moment.
•Hayden's Pov•
I'm so mad at this guy, how could he? Hurt my best friend and my...nevermind. I feel so awful for Annie. She must've been so scared. I need to deal with this jerk "What were you thinking? How dare you hurt my girl. Leave my baby alone, okay?" I kicked him in the stomach. I also pushed his head against the wall and he fainted. I shoved him into a cubicle and locked it. I opened the door and brought her back in "I'm sorry about him, beautiful" I sighed holding her tightly. "I'm okay now, Hayden.." I looked into her eyes, she was traumatised. She clearly wasn't okay but was saying it for my own sake. I took her hand and we snuck back into the booth just as everyone was finishing up their breakfast "Annie, would you like to come to my house and meet up with your family later?" She smiled and nodded "I'd love too 'babe'" she said with quotation marks, giggling. Man, her laughter is too cute for her own good. So are we like dating now? Why do girls have to be confusing? But that's why I love her. We all went outside and we said goodbye to Annie's parents. My dad offered for Caleb and Hayley to come too. I wasn't annoyed but just hope Annie and I get alone time. Luckily my little sister Elliana is at home, Hayley can play with her. We all got into the car. Annie, myself and Hayley were sitting in the back, while Caleb and my dad were sitting up front. We all buckled up and drove off.

True Love [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora