Honestly that East is hot Nicole. If all architects look that way I should have shifted careers in the first place. No one even catches my eye in the Accounting Department. They're all so stuffy but that East! she exclaimed.

Nicole just laughed. But if she could only talk openly. East was off limits to anyone. He was still her East and she felt it should remain that way.

Look at him in that shirt I just like to tear his clothes off. Even his face with that stubbles and all. That come on mustache. Makes me all heated up. Does he have a girlfriend? she asked.

Maybe. I don't really know. And why ask me. she looked at her bewildered.

Oh I don't know you seem awfully close to him and the way he looks at you as if he has been granted the moon and the stars.

Nicole blushed at her comment shaking her head not realizing East looked at her that way. It made her thrilled all over. East and I are friends. We work together. That's all. Better not arouse curiosity. she thought.

If I know better. I won't be able to resist a hot gorgeous guy like that. He is even so nice. I think he's way cuter than Kevin. Kevin is rich and all but lacks the charm East has. If I say so myself. she gushed.

Nicole didn't comment but she knew Karen was right. There was a lot magnetism in East that Kevin lacked.

East wanted some time alone with Nicole before the game but she was talking to someone and he didn't want to interrupt. His gaze fell on Kevin's team instead as he caught Kevin leaning on a post laughing with Sharon the Account Officer of the Sales Department. They were almost body to body his hand slightly grazing Sharon's shoulder then they pulled apart. They were even in the same team. East's jaw hardened sensing something far much greater than the usually officemate chatter. Call it a gut feeling but East felt something was going on between both of them. Was Kevin really playing with Nicole behind her back? He wanted more conclusive evidence to save Nicole from an impending disaster. East had to be sure. He just would wait for the right timing to finally catch them in the act. He would not allow anyone to hurt Nicole ever.

The tournament was about to start as they all geared up feeling the excitement course through them. They were 3 Teams. Each group had one round to play. One group who finished last would get eliminated and the 2 remaining teams will vie for the price of $1000 dollars and the trophy. Each member of the team would also get free spa gift certificates. Everyone wanted to win.

The elimination games began. East's team performing excellently even the average bowlers where at their best. The flower team got eliminated. Leaving Kevin's team pitted against East. The Board was cleared down to zero once again.

Let's cream them East. Murder! she giggled. To hell if Kevin gets mad at me. This is war! And I'm itching to be a winner. she said her eyes glowing making her even more beautiful to East.

Then your wish is my command my lady East said gallantly giving her an adorable grin.

East 's team bowled all their best. The average bowlers giving everything they've got. They might have not given a strike but the points were marvelous. The excellent ones turned out brilliantly not all of them were strikes but the points sky high. Nicole was striking like crazy. But East was superb bowling his heart out earning strike after strike. Everyone in their team was going crazy clapping with every strike he made.

Kevin's team was starting to feel the heat. Although as captain he bowled straight and true. His points were good but strikes were minimal. His team mates however were feeling the pressure. Instead of doing well they started to foul up losing points some balls even ending up in the gutter. Kevin was scowling almost cursing seeing East's team cream them. The score a 70 to 30.

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