"Justin are you okay?" Coach Bamboo asked me.

"Yes po." I said shaking the thoughts out of my head I had to stay focused.

"Okay let's begin, our song will be I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz." Coach Bamboo said handing us out lyrics with Jane helping out.

I was seating on the stairs when Jane came up to me handing me a lyric sheet

She gave me the Lyric sheet with a sweet smile.

Wait.... that smile.... no... it can't be....was she Ly-?

I wasn't able to finish my what I was thinking when she asked me.

"Excuse me po. Are you okay." she asked me.

"Y-yes thank you I'm fine.."

"Are you sure? Because you haven't let go of the sheet yet." she said making me look at our hands which were intertwined with each other.

"Ayieeeeee new love team." Hans and Romalyn teased and I could also see Coach Bamboo smirking behind them.

We let go, I could tell my face was red judging by the heat I was feeling.


"No it's okay. What happened to you back there?"

"Oh... Uh.... nothing I.... just.... remembered someone." I answered honestly.

"Really who?"

"Someone special, very special to me."


"Um.... she was a friend.... a good friend of mine... I met her when we were kids."

"She must have been very special?" She asked.

"Yeah she was."

"What was her name?"

"Ly-" I wasn't able to finish it because...

"Jane can you help me with this I can't pronounce this part properly." Romalyn called.

"I'm sorry Justin can we continue this later?" She asked as she stood up.

"Yeah sure, I'll see you later?"

"See you later." She said going off to Romalyn to help her out.

Now I was left to think.

I couldn't concentrate with the song... All I could think about was Lyca.

All of the sudden the memories of her came flashing back .


Because of Jane.....

Everytime I look at hr I remember Lyca.

It was so weird.

Everytime I saw her smile at Romalyn when she got the note right I saw Lyca, I saw her sweet smile again.

No..... no.... this couldn't be her.... stop.... she's gone.... she's never coming back to you.... forget her now.... before you get hurt again.....






Who am I kidding I could never forget her, the harder try the more I remember her.

I knew I wasn't focused enough to practice so all I could do was rest my head on my knees.






"Justin are you okay?" Jane came over putting a hand over my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine. I promise."

"Do you want to practice together?" She said holding up a guitar.


"Do you know the lyrics?" She asked me while handing me the guitar.

"Can we sing something else instead?" I really didn't concentrate enough to memorize the song.

"Sure what did you have in mind?"

"Well there is this one song." I said beginning the strumming pattern for the song.

I walked across an empty land. I started

I know the pathway like the back of my hand. She singed along.

  I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin....

  And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?





Somewhere only we know?  Then a memory flash came. it was just like before....

With the lack of concentration i accidently hit the wrong note.

"Oh.... what happened?" Jane asked.

"Sorry I'm not good without a pick." I said making an excuse.

" Do you want to borrow mine. Ayyy sorrry." She said dropping the pick to the ground.

I reached to get it but she had the same idea.




Our hands touched...

It was familiar....

"C-c-can I see you again."

"I think we'll be seeing each other for a long time." My mind went back to that moment because of this.

Jane looked shocked too. She looked at me with the same look I was giving her.

I need to know if this was really her.... but how?





The pick....

I removed my hand to see what color the pick was.




It was red... with a fiery design... it was the pick I gave to...

"Lyca?" I looked at her.

She looked at me with a puzzling look.





It was her......

I Can't Fall Inlove with YouWhere stories live. Discover now